RJN My Journey Home: Adina Jacobs

★★★★★ Reviews

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This is one of our RJN "Restoration Journey Novels" that a few of our ministers have begun writing, sharing new chapters on NRP blog and the conversation on other RMI blogs

Adina's ability to open up and share her journey led me be the first to comment on her Author Page after I finished chapter 4, “I Escaped to a Fantasy World,” because I had to say that this particular chapter was the most compelling, riveting chapter I remember reading in any RJN (the other one was Yvonne’s RJN when her mother basically died or began dying in bed with her.

These are not only REAL stories, but it’s seeing and knowing Adina NOW, her life, and how powerful His grace REALLY TRUELY IS!! EACH RJN keeps me more in awe of HIM and how much we need more women like Adina, Yvonne, etc. sharing their restoration journeys so that every woman knows how she too can find and live her ABUNDANT LIFE no matter what her life has been!!

★★★★★ Reviews

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By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 11): Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and His Courts with Praise
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Erin Thiele

One of the most compelling, riveting books I've read in a long time because I know it's REAL and because I know Adina from her https://loveatlast.org/ ministry and who is the most stable individual even though her other RJN book shares she's currently going through the most heartbreaking for a mother RJN “My Custody Loss” Adina Jacobs https://narrowroadpublishinghouse.com/rjn-adina/

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