Wise Man Warrior: The Wise Build on Rock

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Based on A Wise Man
#1 Best Seller

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Erin Thiele converted A Wise Woman's workbook into a men’s version of A Wise Man after many requests from men for a workbook of their own. Close to thirty years later, with five teenage grandsons, it was time to take A Wise Woman in Waiting for teenage girls, along with A Wise Man, and work with the Creator yet again to prepare our sons for warfare, “fighting in the spirit.”

God instructs His people to prepare for war by turning plowshares into swords and pruning hooks into spears. Joel 3:9-10. While Timothy admonishes us “to fight the good fight by keeping his faith and having a good conscience.” 1 Timothy 1:18-20. God is training the young men’s hands for war and fingers for battle in Psalms 144:1-2 While Ecclesiastes reminds us there’s “a time for war and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:7-8 

This book contains the blueprints for the Wise young man to build his life on the Rock. Introduce them, study them with your sons, apply them to your life as an example, and protect your family's future from the destruction that so many families continue to experience by building on sinking sand.


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