
 ★★★★★ Reviews

Salvation Stories


Edivania in Brazil
Thank you dear Erin for this wonderful lesson. I just read it and it is something I really needed, especially regarding my daughter. She is a 14-year-old girl who has been very excited and involved with things that the world has been calling her attention to, and I have been worrying (unnecessarily) since it is of no use to her salvation. After coming here, I can feel relief and wait on the Lord!! Help me Lord in my little faith!


Liza in Costa Rica
This story is so wonderful. And I love how his grandmother embraces him, as Erin says, without judging him, only with love. This is how Our Beloved does, He does not judge us, He just embraces us and loves us, hoping that we will change the course of our life, towards Him. And this testimony, of how the Lord cleanses, heals and when He does it, evil does not rise again, bringing a new life.
Thank you for sharing this story, which shows us that nothing, no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem, is impossible for Our Husband.

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