Name: Erin Thiele
Favorite cities: Cape Town, Boston, Hong Kong, Edinburg, Tangier
Favorite verse: Luke 1:37
Hi, I'm Erin Thiele, author and the founder of Restore Ministries International. Before I retired from ministering in late 2023, for years I was recognized as a motivational speaker.
My greatest blessing, however, is as the mother of seven children and Mimi to more than a dozen grandchildren, hopefully with more to come.
It’s still astonishing that God has seen fit to use me to encourage and motivate hundreds of women (and men) through my published books. What makes my books so special is how He led me to write with the distinctive style of using the Bible, His Word, to minister to and heal the brokenhearted. It's not what I say but what He says that can change lives!
Yet my main focus will always be to encourage ALL women (and men) to seek the Lord intimately and passionately to allow HIM to restore each life just as He has and IS continually restoring mine! Through Him and His Word, you, too, can overcome every crisis.
My Restoration Journey and ministry began when my husband left me for another woman and divorced me in 1989. Since then, I have been "blessed" to have been given the opportunity to go through various difficult valleys because each allowed me to know Him that much more!! My Restoration Journey, and yours too, will continue to the day we each meet our Beloved face-to-face—but for now, for today, I want everyone to know that they were destined not to have to travel their journey alone.
What I want to share with you is that when I thought I LOST my life, is truly when I FOUND it—by becoming the Lord’s bride, my Husband, my Maker. (Isaiah 54:5)
"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 16:25
Spanning 3 Decades

Hi Erin, this Koleti Iakopo. I believe this a great opportunity to say thank you very much for reaching out and touching my heart with the leadership of the Holy Spirit. What you shared in your journey has blessed my heart. Even though my marriage has not been restored that does not matter, what matters is, that God healed my heart and changed my life. I am still standing in His Word that He promised – He will and can do it for me, in His perfect time.
Thank you for all the resources you offered to guide me through my journey, your book called ”God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” online courses and your prayers make me remain walking with the Lord. I am also thanking God for your staff and your ministry for encouraging me to pursue the man (HH) that was healing my heart.
Just to let you know, there are a lot of good things that our Heavenly Husband, has done and happening in my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren. I will never stop thanking Him for what He has done. And thank God for you Erin. I pray that God will continue to use you and your family mightily to touch the lives of brokenhearted women and men around the world.
I still need your prayers for me and my family in whatever God put in your heart. Thank you and God bless.
Mi Querida Erin, hoy el Eterno me ha dado la oportunidad para expresarle mi gratitud por dejarse usar por el poder del Espíritu Santo y responder al llamado con tanto amor y dedicación en favor de otras mujeres en crisis, principalmente crisis matrimonial.
Mi Esposo Celestial atraves de RMI me cambio la vida y aún más, me dejó compartirle con otras mujeres de mi familia, y aún mujeres que no conozco más que por teléfono aún de diferentes países. El evangelio de RMI es una semilla que no se puede dejar de compartir por qué ante tus ojos puedes ver qué lleva mucho fruto y eso es motivador. Su palabra no regresa vacía.
Mi matrimonio ha Sido restaurado por su gracia y su misericordia hace más de un año, aún con un hijo fuera del matrimonio. Solo El pudo llevarme al perdón y luego a esa paz hermosa que viene del cielo, para calmar la tormenta que había en mi cabeza. El me ayudó a practicar los principios bíblicos de los cursos, benditos cursos.
Hoy duermo tranquila, camino segura, y avanzo en el viaje que no termina y que no quiero abandonar. Dios bendiga tu vida, familia y ministerio. Gloria a Su nombre por haberte usado para ser un canal de bendición para bendición.
My Dear Erin, today the Eternal has given me the opportunity to express my gratitude for letting yourself be used by the power of the Holy Spirit and responding to the call with so much love and dedication in favor of other women in crisis, mainly marital crisis.
My Heavenly Husband through RMI changed my life and even more, he let me share him with other women in my family, and even women that I don’t know other than by phone from different countries. The gospel of RMI is a seed that cannot be stopped from sharing because before your eyes you can see what bears a lot of fruit and that is motivating. His word does not return empty.
My marriage has been restored by his grace and mercy more than a year ago, even with a child out of wedlock. Only He could lead me to forgiveness and then to that beautiful peace that comes from heaven, to calm the storm that was in my head. He helped me practice the biblical principles of the courses, blessed courses.
Today I sleep peacefully, I walk safely, and I move forward on the journey that never ends and that I do not want to abandon. God bless your life, family and ministry. Glory to His name for having used you to be a channel of blessing for blessing.
You look good Erin
Congratulations on your retirement…. As the Lord saved the best wine for last, may your latter years be your best!!!