Name: Erin Therese Thiele
Favorite cities: Cape Town, Boston, Hong Kong, Edinburg, Tangier
Favorite verse: Luke 1:37
Hi, I'm Erin Thiele, author and the founder of Restore Ministries International. Before I retired from ministering in late 2023, for years I was recognized as a motivational speaker.
My greatest blessing, however, is as the mother of seven children and Mimi to more than a dozen grandchildren, hopefully with more to come.
It’s still astonishing that God has seen fit to use me to encourage and motivate hundreds of women (and men) through my published books. What makes my books so special is how He led me to write with the distinctive style of using the Bible, His Word, to minister to and heal the brokenhearted. It's not what I say but what He says that can change lives!
Yet my main focus will always be to encourage ALL women (and men) to seek the Lord intimately and passionately to allow HIM to restore each life just as He has and IS continually restoring mine! Through Him and His Word, you, too, can overcome every crisis.
My Restoration Journey and ministry began when my husband left me for another woman and divorced me in 1989. Since then, I have been "blessed" to have been given the opportunity to go through various difficult valleys because each allowed me to know Him that much more!! My Restoration Journey, and yours too, will continue to the day we each meet our Beloved face-to-face—but for now, for today, I want everyone to know that they were destined not to have to travel their journey alone.
What I want to share with you is that when I thought I LOST my life, is truly when I FOUND it—by becoming the Lord’s bride, my Husband, my Maker. (Isaiah 54:5)
"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 16:25
Spanning 3 Decades

Good morning /good evening
I just bought your book , last week , and I wished I discovered it two tears ago before my marriage broke. mY husband and I are not divorced yet but we are separate. I just want to speak with for 5 mn and ask you oky one question .how can I possibly contact you. how can I be in touch with you please
Good Morning dear Armelle. Erin retired from ministry. You can read more here:
There is still help for you here with us dear Armelle. The quickest way would be to complete and MEQ (Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire)
https://hopeatlast.com/meq/ and we will send you a link to Telegram for further help.