PLEASE LOOK THROUGH and pray about purchasing the books from the RECOMMENDED READING List from our original A Wise Woman and have linked each book to Amazon.
From A Wise Woman:
First, a warning: We who have gone through difficult marriages, separation, and/or divorce want to warn you about books, ideas, or other people who will sway you to go the way of the world, which always ends in disaster. It may seem like the easiest road, but in the end, it is the road to even more sadness, trials, difficulties, and heartache than you are already experiencing. Please be careful what you read! Those books whose foundation is in philosophy, or those written by psychologists or marriage counselors, will fill your mind with destructive thoughts.
We do NOT recommend reading books that cover the following topics: “spicing up your marriage,” “tough love,” and “codependency.” We have seen the damage these ideas have done in destroying marriages and the women who looked to them in their desperation.
Look to God and to those of like mind to encourage you. Please go to the Counselor (God's Word), which is free, and save your money and your marriage. Stay away from the “professionals.” If you cannot find these books in your church library, ask if they might order them from your local Christian bookstore.
The ISBN number will help them to order the correct book. All of these are in paperback, and most are very inexpensive.
The Bible. New American Standard Bible. The verses in this workbook have been taken from this version. Some have asked me why I used the NASB and not the King James Version. The reason is that when my husband left me, he left behind his Bible, a NASB. I used his Bible for about 20 months before he asked for it back. I lived every Scripture that is in this workbook. In addition, before my husband left I was not submissive. I had my KJV because I was a Pharisee. Each woman should use the version that her husband uses.
Read how Erin read through the bible with Alexander Scourby
Prison to Praise Merlin R. Carothers is a book I later discovered on my Restoration Journey that changed the way I looked at everything. It was Mr. Carothers' testimony that made such an impact where he took the verse to bless his enemies that showed me how powerful His word is. I'm sure any book by Merlin R. Carothers would be excellent. ISBN-10: 0943026024
Please consider submitting a Review and add *Prison to Praise (recommended reading by Merlin R Carothers).
Yvonne in South Africa
This book is fantastic! Once I started living my life this way, I started seeing results almost immediately.
It will change how you react to situations and it will allow the Lord to change you from the inside out that your life is a reflection of how He wants us to be a light shining in the dark. When others see that you are praising Him not just amidst your trials but thanking Him for every situation you are in, knowing that He has a perfect plan for your life, then you are living the Abundant life He wants for you.
Petra in France
I read this book when I was a young adult. I had to say it changed my life and brought me back to faith and to the Lord. It was the very first time I was hearing of this concept of praising for the bad situations and circumstances in my life. This book was a bold step of faith in my life and it was definitely a turning point.
Kristine in the Netherlands
when I first read the cover, title, and content of this book, I didn't feel the need to buy or read the book. But thanks to my Lord, who knows what I need. I bought the book. And I am so happy. Happy because I now know that every circumstance is admitted by Him and for me out of love. Door het lezen van dit boek ben ik in staat om altijd blij te zijn en steviger in mijn geloof te staan. Hij is de maker en schepper van alles wat leeft inclusief mijn leven. He has everything under control. The good that happens and the bad. For any believer who does not yet know the power of praise under any circumstance. And why we can always praise Him. I recommend this book. The writer has given a tremendous witness to various situations organized only by God. The blessings and spiritual growth that you have achieved as a Christian afterward will bring you closer to God. And once you realize that we can always praise Him because He wants the best for us, every situation you experience will not affect you anymore. But will lead to bringing more people around you to Him and give you so much joy and peace. After I read this book I ordered all the books of praise from this writer. I look forward to even more intimate times of learning about giving Him the glory in whatever I will experience.
Atarah in South Africa
I would give this book more than 5 stars because it changed my life and the way that I looked at and faced trials I encountered. I found this book when I needed it most. My husband divorced me and I was broken. I learned to Praise \o/ during the most trying times of my life. I had heard previously of praising God through the storms but Prison to Praise helped me to really understand why we must praise during the tough and difficult times.
It's been a few years since I read the book and I have seen how praising has turned some really bad situations around. I have been amazed and in awe. There have been times I have cried but I would always remember this book and would start praising and those tears would soon turn into happiness and joy!
Please consider Submitting a Review and choose *Prison to Praise (recommended reading by Merlin R Carothers) that you'll find in the list just below Workers@Home.
Streams in the Desert Mrs. Charles Cowman wrote her thoughts, quotations and spiritual inspirations which helped to sustain her during her difficult years as a missionary and particularly the six years she nursed her husband while he was dying. This has been a devotional classic for more than seventy years! A must if you are living in the midst of trials! I lived in this book for more than 2 years! ISBN 0-310-22420-9
Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurburt. This is available in most Christian bookstores. It is a story about the character “Much-Afraid” and her journey to perfect peace. Her struggles and fears will make you cry and her triumphs will inspire you to continue your difficult walk. I have read this many times alone and to my children. ISBN 8423-1433-4
Also available on Audible.
Come Away My Beloved. The poems and short stories are written as though God was speaking to you Himself. A wonderful book for meditation and comforting thoughts. ISBN 0-932814-02-6
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. This is a wonderful daily devotional as well as a place to journal your growth in the Lord. ISBN 1-57748-737-5
Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. This book is full of Scriptures and is an awesome and powerful testimony to the Word of God and His promises. Jackie was told as a young girl that she would never be able to have a baby, but when she met her husband who knew the promises of God, their awesome testimony began. Not only did they discover how to conceive and carry a baby to term, together they discovered the secret of having a totally PAIN FREE labor and delivery!

ISBN-10 0878572155. ISBN-13 : 978-0878572151 There's no doubt this workbook was discovered because of my deep desire to have a houseful of happy, healthy children, which begins when you're carrying that new life inside of you. My older sister had suffered from pre-eclampsia and the way Western medicine treats it.
What I learned when I was just 23 years old preparing for my first baby is that having enough protein is the key to having a healthy baby, pregnancy, and birth because your body is getting the nutrition it needs. Protein is lacking in most diets, especially now when the trend is for us to eat all plant-based food. When God created animals, we can easily see which animals are carnivores and which were designed to eat plants—by looking at their teeth. We are carnivores, and besides, there's dairy, which is how HLM "He led me" to get at least 100 grams of protein with cottage cheese—which I still love eating today!!
When I began using midwives, they insisted on enough protein, or they wouldn't attend your birth. I gave birth naturally (unfortunately, I never imagined you could have a pain-free birth; see the book above), but I was able to birth huge babies (2 were 11+ pounds) because my body had what it needed.
Author Cathy Lechner. This woman has an incredible way of ministering to women. Don’t let her cover fool you. You’ll laugh, cry and feel convicted that you need more of the Lord in your life after reading them. This author can be found in the “Spirit-Filled” section of your local bookstore. Don’t let the “Spirit-filled” scare you Baptists away. UPDATE: On November 9, 2020, Cathy went to be with the Lord. What a legacy she left behind that I hope you will take advantage of.
Me? Obey Him? by Elizabeth Handford uses God's Word to present the reasons for a wife's submission to her husband. She shares all the blessings, joys and privileges that living a life according to God's plan will bring. A book every woman must read! The older edition is better. Her revised edition squirms on women who are abused. ISBN 0-87398-552-4
The newer version has been modified and watered down due to the feminist influence.
The Way Home by Mary Pride answerS the questions: “Is a career always more fulfilling than motherhood?” “Can a woman realize her full potential only by leaving home and getting a job?” She discusses why many Christian wives and mothers have finally turned their backs on “planned barrenhood,” the “me” marriage, “no-fault” childrearing, careerism and a host of other non-biblical, unchristian alternatives. ISBN 0-89107-345-0
Who Will Rock the Cradle? by Phyllis Schlafly. Each chapter is written by a different expert in the area of childcare, from pediatricians to the actual owners of a multitude of daycare institutions. Surprisingly, all agree that the phenomenon of daycare is destroying our children and our society. The book, I found out, is currently out of print. However, large book distributors can still get them
Picture Bible: Story Book Edition. Kids love the great stories and action pictures of The Picture Bible. God's Word will come alive during hours of family reading enjoyment.
John Bevere. This author spoke to me personally while speaking at the worldwide revival in Pensacola, Florida. I'd read his book Bait of Satan and approached him afterward. This book confirmed what God had told me I must do, but couldn't do, which was to forgive what my husband had done to me by committing adultery. Read an account of how Erin learned to give the gift of forgiveness and the GIFT that God gave to her.