This is the BEST class ever!! Erin is truly a Proverbs 31 woman! I would love to learn more from Erin, especially a class of workers@home. What I liked best about this class was the great information and useful handouts. But the very best was Erin’s focus on the Lord!
Erin is wonderful! I liked EVERYTHING about this video class! Nor only did I learn more about homeschooling, but her class has taught me to be a better wife and mother. My home is now a happy home. I would love to do any Bible study done by Erin Thiele – A Wise Woman or workers@home.”
I loved the way Erin tied Bible to REAL life and especially kids. I just wish that we had more time in each lesson to learn even more! I would LOVE a study with the book workers@home that I have. I just want more studies with Erin –again!
This class affected me in so many ways that I find myself looking up and thinking -- oh, yeah, I got that from Erin's class! I love the chore cards -- they are really helping us keep things on track. And the prayer cards are great too!
A word of testimony...you mentioned a ‘small’ thing in one of your classes that I thought was fairly unique and certainly I had never heard before... and that is that you only raise your hands in a church service if your husband does. Wow, what a revelation! It is so hard to see things from the husband's perspective, but how can they compete with these "spiritual" wives who are freely worshipping? Anyway, I purposed not to raise my hands anymore unless my husband did. And he hasn't raised his hands in years.
Today in service, he did!! More than once...and it was a pleasure to *follow* him in worship (instead of setting the pace--not that I did that intentionally, but it does make a statement.)
The most tremendous thing about the class was what I DIDN'T get —Before when I've been involved in women's functions, there's been a lot of 'warm fuzz’ time -- connecting with other women, chatting, etc.. At first I was confused by all of this, but God began letting me know that He wanted my focus to be more fully on Him -- and that He wanted to be my source and strength in all things. Everything came to a peak at last Wednesday -- that's when I think I finally ‘got it.’ God has given me a greater peace since that time, and is beginning to let me have back those things that I finally gave up and gave to Him!
So -- God has done a lot of pruning and sifting of my life lately, and your class was an integral part of that ---Thanks!
I loved that this class was so Biblically sound, backed by Scripture. I was so happy that we were given class notes to study at home. Very APPLICABLE! I would love to hear more studies from Erin, maybe a workers@home study.
This class really challenged me, as well as providing sound Biblical advice. It was difficult at times because of God’s “pruning” in me as a result of this class. This class has been a tremendous blessing to my family and me. I would like a workers@home class to learn more and her course for women (A Wise Woman).
Cierra RESTORED in Kentucky
Homeschooling for Him shatters the notion that you have to have it all figured out to be effective in your homeschooling endeavors. Instead, it reaffirms His word and His plan and reminds us that if we simply seek His will and keep Him at the forefront of our plans and lean not on our plans, but trust in Him with all of our hearts that He will direct our path and ensure that "all things will be added unto" us!
Brooke in Montana
This book is a huge blessing to homeschooling moms. Whether you are undecided on it, have already adamantly chosen to, or just hope to be able to some day, this book is such a great light and guide.
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