Living Lessons Book 1

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The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul.
—Psalm 23: 1-3

Once you have a close personal relationship with the Lord as your Friend, your Husband, your Maker, the foundation of living an abundant life is learning to live by God's principles—life's roadmap.

The first step is to tap into this astonishing and outrageous promise from God found in the very first Psalm.

Psalm 1

How blessed are the few who

do not walk in the counsel of the wicked,

Nor stand in the path of sinners,

Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!


But their delight is in the law of the LORD,

And in His law, they meditate day and night.


These will be like trees firmly planted by streams of water, which yield fruit in its season.

And their leaves do not wither;

And in whatever they do, they prosper.

~Taken from Chapter 1, “Whatever She Does, She Prospers.”

When my Darling Lord led me to RMI, it was all part of His plan that I start with the Living Lessons because He knew that I would enjoy these short, powerful Living Lessons and that it would be life-changing for me. They have become one of my favorite lessons, and even if the Lord leads me to read them again, He gives me a different message, so I genuinely want to encourage you to read them and make them a part of your everyday life, which will be life-changing to you too.
~Janine in South Africa

I was always told, “Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual.” My lack of wisdom was evident. After some life-changing events, I found RMI living lessons and started reading my Bible. I know now that life does come with an instruction manual, and living lessons are the footnotes from a wise woman who took a journey on the narrow road before me to help me see that growing in love is possible.

~Bellissima in the USA

These Living Lessons are like the "cool springs and pools brimming with rain" of Psalm 84, refreshing my heart throughout the rough parts of my journey. They really reach every little corner of my soul to guide me in the right direction and soothe me so that I may fulfill this amazing journey that is life, according to His Will. I love them; they are a precious gift.

~Mira in France

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