Living Lessons Book 2

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The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul.
—Psalm 23: 1-3

The enemy wants you to focus on yourself so you will feel sick about something—he is notorious for shoving us down that slippery slope, so we continually feel horrible about all sorts of things. That's when we need to immediately ask Him to tell us what's going on and hear from Him, as I did this one day. 

Yet, in spite of everything, I still could not shake that feeling, and it kept taking me back, leaving me wondering what I'd done or failed to do. That's when I heard Him say, "Laugh It Off," I immediately envisioned two Promises.

The first is a new version of a favorite from the Proverbs 31 woman. Rather than “she smiles at the future,” it says “she laughs,” as I envision our Beloved laughing.

The second part was me envisioning the Apostle Paul when the serpent lunged out of the fire and clamped onto his arm, but “Paul simply shook the snake off into the fire, and he suffered no harm.”

Dear Reader, ponder the truths in this living lesson and then "Laugh It Off" and watch those sick feelings burn up in that fire so you, too, can live your abundant life smiling at the future with Him.




Dear Brides, I’ve been so encouraged by the Living Lessons, and it’s not just an encouragement to my life but to others around me. I can’t tell how many times I used what I read in the Living Lessons to encourage someone else this past month. Of course, first, I was the one being encouraged, and then I put the principles into practice so others could see the blessings in my life that gave me the opportunity to share what I learned and how He changed me or my situation.

~ Sara in Turkey

These Living Lessons in Book 2 guide us on a journey of deepening our relationship with God. This journey invites us to recognize His presence and seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives. It acknowledges the protective nature of God's laws, which serve as a shield against potential harm.

~ Hope in the USA

The Living Lessons are filled with wisdom and biblical principles that can be applied to all aspects of life, from "Sleeping in the Storms" to "Taste the Spices." I find myself going back to the lessons time and time again to gain wisdom and understanding regarding situations I face in my daily life. It always amazes me that there is something in every lesson that speaks to a situation I am going through. I highly recommend these lessons to anybody who desires to walk more closely with the Lord.

~ Adina in South Africa

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