★★★★★ Reviews
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Erin Thiele says, "I’ve shared my testimony with many people over the years. So, as God says, “Give and it will be given to you, pressed down and overflowing,” and that’s precisely what transpired. I have been given a front-row seat to some of the most inspiring and utterly unimaginable Salvation Stories!
Most of us have unsaved family members and others who are not living for the Lord, and we have taken on the burden of "saving" the lost. Yet, God said to "stand by and watch the salvation of the Lord on our behalf." And while watching, it's not an invitation to judge and confront the "sinner." Since God didn’t send the Lord to JUDGE the world, I am sure He did not send me (or you) either!
Begin to love the lost. Love that's "patient, kind…believes, hopes, and endures all things. This kind of love "never fails" and "covers a multitude of sins."
By reading these Salvation Stories, you will begin to believe His promise, not just you but “your household will be saved" at the “appointed time.”
What really touches me in this book is that Erin has proven throughout her book that we do not have to do anything to save others so that they may come to know Him.
I have often struggled and felt I lacked the talent to "preach" to others about Him to be saved. He will save my family and relatives. “Your entire household will be saved” because He has promised to do so!
~ Hanna in the Netherlands
I told myself that I had to be perfect to be used by God. But no, I can just trust Him and let Him act through us.
~ Precie in France.
It’s been more than 2 years since I left my church, and with books and series like Salvation Stories, I have learned more than all the years I was there.
~ Liza in Costa Rica
This book gives me so much hope for my own family. We did not grow up knowing the Lord as our Friend or in any intimate sense. It was more a matter of fear of being punished for sin. My siblings and I attended church on and off for a while in high school but never had a relationship with the Lord. Now that He is my Friend and my Husband, I know I can trust Him to save my family. Thank you for giving me the hope that I don’t have to try and convince them, I can just love them and believe that He will work in their lives.
~ Yvonne vd Hoff in South Africa
There was a time when I was scared that my children would make the wrong choices that I made, but your book just confirmed that I must just trust our Darling Lord, my Forever Friend, to draw my children closer and closer to Him because they will be saved. Wow, yes, He wants my children saved even more than I do!
~ Janine Saaiman in South Africa
What a beautiful lesson! I held back tears because I was on my way to work in a crowded van, but I was just so happy about this wonderful and incredible story! The special way that Erin describes her salvation stories is so special and different from everything I've learned throughout my life. God has given Erin the privilege of seeing salvation more and more in her family and other people, too, as an instrument of peace, love, and salvation. ONLY HIS power and HIS will, and nothing I do that will result in the salvation of anyone.
~ Edivania
My favorite story is in Heroin Attic, when his grandmother embraces him, as Erin says, without judging him, only with love. Our Beloved does not judge us, He just embraces us and loves us birthing a new life. Proof nothing is impossible for God.
~ Liza Bautista in Costa Rica.
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