★★★★★ Reviews
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This is a brand-new version of our Best-Selling Series—Restored Marriage Testimonies—but on a topic everyone can relate to and draw encouragement from!
In this edition, you’ll read and understand why you have nothing left after you pay bills, like Atarah in Chapter 1: "I would get paid, bring it home, pay a couple of expenses then after a couple of days there would be nothing left... Even my cupboards would be bare. Since I started tithing and giving offerings. [God] changed my circumstances drastically after a period of time, not just my finances but my living situation, including my RESTORED marriage!"
Also, you will be able to relate to Cierra in Chapter 4, who said, " I learned that very often financial issues after my restoration were meant to get the attention and change our husband, they're not our trial, so it has nothing to do with you or tithing with the right heart...I remain blessed"
What makes these Word of Their Testimonies books so beneficial is that these women give readers encouragement and secrets to what led to them no longer worrying about finances because they'd discovered the secrets of giving and tithing, finding a storehouse to remain spiritually fed from, investing in where "where thieves do not break in or steal," and countless other wisdom few ever find.
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the Word of THEIR Testimonies” —Revelation 12:11
The 70 TESTIMONIES in this POWERFUL book are filled with blessings from women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of Opening the Windows of Heaven all “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their financial situation seemed hopeless.
Each of them, “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “IS the Lord.”
Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS: Financial, Relationships, Emotional, and Health HopeAtLast.com
Once again, here is a book filled with PROOF that God is able to rescue anyone from financial worries, working for but watching money pour through like a purse with holes.
Be sure to read and reread each of the # testimonies to strengthen your faith in God's ability and desire to do the impossible with your money!
★★★★★ Reviews
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