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★★★★★ Reviews

Be Encouraged CLASSIC: Video Series


Linn in Norway

salme 31.24: elsk Herren, alle hans fromme! Herren besvarer de trofaste, men dem som farer fram i hovmod, gir han igjen i fullt mål. Jeg lærte at djevelen er en løyner. Gud KAN gjenopprette mitt ekteskap. jeg må jobbe MED Gud. Han kan. det er Guds meninger som gjelder og han VIL gjenopprette ekteskapet. Han hater skillsmisser.
jeg må se på situasjonen som Gud ser på den. alt ser håpløst ut, men ingenting er umulig for Gud. Seieren vil komme bare jeg tror på ham.
jeg kan ikke ha stolthet i meg, jeg må bøye meg og ydmyke meg. det er i Guds hender og jeg må gjøre alt som skal til. Dø i meg selv. la han ta meg helt.



Psalm 31.24: Be strong and let your heart take courage,
All you who hope in the Lord. I learned that the devil is a liar. God CAN restore my marriage. I have to work WITH God. He can. it is God's opinions concerning and he WILL restore marriage. He hates divorce.

I must look at the situation as God sees it. everything looks hopeless, but nothing is impossible with God. Victory will come only I believe in him.

I can not have pride in me, I have to let the Lord bend me and it is in God's hands and I must do everything it takes. Die in myself.


Juliette in New Jersey

In this video I learnt that God wants a relationship with me. It is for my own good that my ex-husband is distant as God knows am not ready and he needs time to change me. The new me will turn my ex-husband's heart back towards me. When the wall is down I must show love. If God wants me to love my ex-husband again he would put agape love in me for him. Only God can forgive. I must ask God to help me forgive ex-husband by asking God in prayer to do it through me. I must forgive as my life could even depend on it. Certain types of cancer is caused by un forgiveness and bitterness. It is dangerous to my health and will hurt my relationship with God.


Challice in South Africa

Honestly, there is such truth in Erin's words. There are many things that were said that appertains to my situation.
God had to remove my husband to get my attention and it has been the most painful, yet amazing experience. I am becoming more and more in love with God. When I began my stand, the day after my husband left me, I believed what God had said in His Word: I hate divorce! I still believe. This video has confirmed that God is moving me in the right direction - towards Him. He wanted my attention, and my idols were in the way. In the beginning my clinging to God was all about restoring my husband to me and restoring my marriage. Within a couple of days, as I immersed myself in God's Word, He began to reveal the changes that I needed to make. His Word became a light and I couldn't get enough of it (I still can't). I feel like a new me, as He reveals things daily to me and washes me clean. A couple of weeks back, God asked me: "If I gave you a choice between your husband's salvation or the restoration of your marriage, which would you choose?" That question hit me like a ton of bricks. With a heavy heart, yet with a deep conviction of the truth, I chose my husband's salvation. It was then that my prayers began to really change. I began to weep for his salvation, I could not bear the thought of him not having eternal life with Jesus. It was the first time I understand what travailing was all about, as the anguish for his soul came from the deepest part of me. Up until now, although I have not lost hope in God restoring our marriage, I pray deeply for my husband to return to Jesus. I think about what Erin is saying and know that it is the truth. God wants all of me. He wants all of my husband. I am so eager to listen to part 2 tomorrow.
I am absolutely encouraged!


Nora in Colombia

Couldn't be more encouraged! PTL for everything He does. What was said is what I needed to restore my health, marriage and finances but most importantly, my relationship with the Lord. Thank God for the inspiring words!!

Its content made me renew my thoughts and allowed me to understand how to follow the Scriptures and apply them to my walk with Jesus.

Erin´s perspectives and analysis of the Scriptures made me realize how blessed I am to have these videos to do things according to the Word and not according to me!


Pamela in Texas

Once again Jesus you are telling me to Let go.. really let go of my husband. I just Praise and thank the Lord because he is in control.. And want to FORGIVE the ones that have caused me harm and pain. Also, it encourages me to get into the Word and seek more and more of the Lord.


Dawn in Florida

Lord I thank You for this video I wish I has this before I made all the mistakes I did.I didn't know how to let go of my husband and it caused great problems. I hurt my husband more than I should have and now I realized my mistakes.this video sheds a lot of light on the do's and don'ts in restoration. This video teaches you from God's word and experiences that others have had when being obedient or disobedient. Thank you Erin for sharing your experiences with us.


Suieshie in Alabama

I rate this video 5 stars. It was right on time as I was facing those exact circumstances which she was speaking on and that video ministered to my spirit.

Also, it was very encouraging and informational. This video really answered questions that were stored away in my mind, even the ones you don't really wanna ask. It also taught me how to be more effective in prayer. Thank you for the encouragement it was right on time.


Deirdre in Kentucky 

Thank you again Erin for your encouraging words. I've talked to God on several occasions and asked Him to forgive me. I experienced something yesterday and I reacted before I thought. Afterwards, I said God I know it was a test and I shouldn't have responded. I thought about what you said about Winning Without Words. I'm still working on keeping quiet. The videos are helping a lot it's just I have to stand still and let God move me. It's a battle for me but I'm not going to rush God and I will continue to go to the Lord with my needs. I'm Determined to do the right thing. As you said in one of the videos, "Whatever It Takes Lord Do It! I will continue to review the videos through my trails and after it's over... I hope and pray that I will be able to help someone else through their trying times.


Dennise in Puerto Rico

Hearing this video, confirms that the Lord has already started with my personal restoration.


Diana in Mexico *Native language español

Erin's testimony provides surprising knowledge by showing us the glory of the Lord for your life and with change. Every word she says is based on the word and her heart can only see God ... Doubts have come to my mind throughout this time without my husband. But the Lord has the answer and when I am more tired or about to drop the towel something happens and Erin these videos are for me. Thank you Lord for bringing me to this ministry. Your promises are great. Praise the Lord for His mercy.





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