★★★★★ Reviews
Be Encouraged CLASSIC: Video Series
Elsy in Venezuela *Native language español
These videos gave me much encouragement, especially the issue of release and just run to God for my needs and problems. I also was really touched by the subject of forgiveness and infidelity causing many wounds.
"Me dio mucho animo estos videos,sobre todo el tema de soltar de saberlo soltar y solo corre a Dios por mis necesidades y problemas,tambien me toco mucho el tema del perdon ya que la infidelidad causa muchas heridas en uno"
Patricia in Ecudor *Native language español
Glory to God to Him nothing is impossible. This video guides me to seek Him not to seek the man thanks to His hand searching the heart of my husband. Just in making this change it has already decreased fights. I confess that sometimes I am showing the double-minded and indecision and ask in the name of Jesus to instill His word in me.
"Gloria a Dios para El no hay nada imposible, me guía a buscarlo a El a no buscar del hombre por que gracias a su mano el busca el corazón de mi esposo el lo cambia y transforma y me esta a transformando le he pedido que me cambie y lo esta haciendo ya ha disminuido el responder siempre en pelea y me esta mostrando el doble ánimo y la indecisión confieso y le pido en el nombre de Jesús que ya no viva yo sino Cristo en mi y me haga decidida que cumpla mi palabra y más para buscarlo a mi Padre Celestial que es quien me ha rescatado del pecado de engañar y buscar solución en el mundo y no en El."
Diamara in Italia *Native language español
The truth is very gratifying to hear testimony. Being able to see as God asks us to do things that hurt us, but that will be for our good and make us more dependent on Him. I have considered it very important, although often one does not want that or may overlook.
"La verdad escuchar testimonios es muy gratificante. El poder ver como DIOS nos pide que hagamos cosas que nos duelen ,pero que serán para nuestro bien y nos harán más fuertes.El tener intimidad lo consideró un acto muy importante, aunque en muchas ocasiones uno no quiera o no pase por alto."
Jewerlean in New Jersey
My review on this video is 5 stars. I really didn't expect all the info that was given. It feels so good to finally watch. Just to hear her talk and see that I am not alone in how I feel was amazing.
Kimberlyn in Costa Rica *Native language español
God is showing me that I need to put my eyes on Him; trust Him and rest in His presence; There are times when I do not know how to do it but ask for much in prayer to show me what steps You want to give prayer and strategies to fulfill His plan in my life and in my family.
Erin managed to overcome with the hand of God and become a way of understanding that God works for the good of families and my home can be restored also feel a thirst for wanting to see God working in my life, to talk to me as He has done with other women; have the opportunity to tell my testimony and follow my restoration process ..
I know God is working on me, because thanks to Him my mood has improved; I have managed to increase the amount of daily food and focus on giving quality time to my son. It has been very painful and I know that God has so much more to deal with my life and my husband, but I trust in Him and His plan
"Dios sigue mostrándome que debo poner mi mirada en Él; confiar en Él y reposar en su presencia; hay momentos en qué no sé cómo es que se hace pero pido mucho en oración que me muestre qué pasos quiere que dé y las estrategias de oración para cumplir su plan en mi vida y en mi familia.
Erin logró superar de la mano de Dios se convierte en una forma de entender que Dios obra para el bien de las familias y que mi hogar puede ser restaurado también, siento una sed de querer ver a Dios trabajar en mi vida, que me hable y direccione como lo ha hecho con otras mujeres; tener la oportunidad de contar mi testimonio y seguir mi proceso de restauración..
sé que Dios está trabajando en mí, porque gracias a Él mi estado de ánimo ha mejorado; he logrado aumentar la cantidad de alimentos diarios y enfocarme en darle un tiempo de calidad a mi hijo tambi&ea cute;n; hasta donde he llegado ha sido muy doloroso y no sé que tanto más tenga Dios para tratar con mi vida y la de mi esposo, pero confío en Él y en su plan"
Lori in North Carolina
I wish that I had watched this video 2 yrs. ago. I tried so hard to hang on to my husband. I could not understand why he was doing this to me, to our family. God is still changing me.
Thank you, Erin for sharing and Thank you that you back everything you share up with God's Word. Thank you for putting an emphasis on the fact that we should be focusing on God and our relationship with Him. It has taken me about 2 years to let go and let God (truly let go and give my husband to the Lord). I have been in His way long enough.
Also, your video reminded me to look to God to be my provider, Praise the Lord in every situation, and forgive.
Yeny in California
The video tells us to ask God to show us that He is GOD. To protect our children. To ask God for His will and that He will be faithful about answering prayers. HE always answers prayers. That his Grace is sufficient. Come to God in prayer and trust him. I need to please my Lord.
It also talks about a house divided and how it will not stand. How the husband is the spiritual leader in the home and they are to be the authority over a woman for out protection —just as Jesus is over the man and God over Jesus. It also talks about this being a spiritual battle. God answers all prayers. Sometimes it is with a YES or a NO or a WAIT. HE is faithful. Whatever is not going our way it is only temporary. God is already working in our favour. Overcome evil with good. Submit to our husbands but go in prayer to God if we are concerned. Ask for God's will and put our concerns in his hands. Main focus is to please God.
Judith in Florida
First the things I learned (well were reiterated, that I MUST listen to) is Get rid of my pride and let humility take over, Lots of dying to myself (which I really need to learn to do and understand what I am doing), Get out of the way, and Go directly to God, stop talking to others.
Those principals, I have already started applying, swiftly, I don't know, but I am trying. I have a lot of work to do. I am inspired by the fact that Erin uses scripture for her basis. There is a tiny bit of advice, but that advice comes from the Word. Advice that sometimes those NEW in the walk with Christ could use to get us where we need to be.
Without this ministry, I would still be reading Proverbs every day, but maybe not dig in to psalms. I would still be trying to find EVERY resource out there. I can't afford to buy one more single book. Right now, I feel as if Erin's course is helping me to find a little more balance. It takes a lot of my time to dive in as deep as I am diving, but I feel as if I am getting farther than I was before. I ask the Lord to help me seek out any other forgiveness I may have not even given thought to. I am ENCOURAGED!
Vicmary in Venezuela *Native language español
In this video helped me to trust and understand that I need to release my husband. I thought I had but Erin made me realize that I had not .. I'm anxious to put everything into practice ..
I ordered and finished reading the book, and out of curiosity I turned to get into the videos and I want to tell them I'm super happy to have seen this first video Erin, it's a pleasure to see it and know it and I'd like to say that I bless in the name of Jesus ... I confirm once again and this time I could see it in His own words say: loose your husband, obey God .. His words were very pleasant experiences in the process of restoration, I really feel very EXCITED .. !!
"En este vídeo creanme que termine de comprender que debo soltar a mi esposo. Yo creía q lo había soltado pero Erin me hizo darme cuenta que no.. Estoy ansiosa de poner todo en practica..
en fin ya termine de leer el libro y por curiosidad me volví a meter en los vídeos y me di cuenta que había un mal entendido y que si los puedo ver... Y les cuento que estoy súper feliz de haber visto este primer vídeo de Erin , q placer y gusto verla y conocerla y aprovecho para decir que la Bendigo en el nombre de Jesus... Me confirmo una vez mas y esta vez pude verla decir con sus propias palabras : suelta a tu esposo, obedeces Dios .. Sus palabras fueron muy agradables sus experiencias en su proceso de restauración, realmente me siento muy ANIMADA..!!"
Fabiola in Costa Rica *Native language español
I found the important thing about forgiveness and to release my husband and so free myself and I have a peaceful relationship with God
"Lo importante del perdon y d soltar a mi esposo y asi liberarme a mi misma y tener una relación tranquila con Dios"