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★★★★★ Reviews

Be Encouraged CLASSIC: Video Series


Bernadette in Michigan

Enjoyed it . Confirmed the mistakes that I made by not letting go . This is terrible but I had joined a program that said I should call him everyday and take presents once a week to him. I was unaware of Psalm 1:1 where The Lord says don't stand in the path and all the other verses. I was very needy and clingy . I also liked the information about letting go of my pride . So important not to call for any reason .leave spouse alone


Norma in Utah

These video is a really big eye opener for me. It has shown me the importance of letting go and to stop standing in my husbands way, but most importantly how God is using my marriage crisis to catch my attention and bring me back to him.

Thank you my lord because through Erin you are allowing me to see many of the wrong things that are in me.

Forgiveness is one of the important things I need to learn to do. It's not easy but I now know that with the lord anything is possible. And I just learned that it's also not good for your health.

I also learned How I need to be joyful and thank the lord , Yes in the good times, but also in the hard times because he only allows us to go through these hard times because he loves us and behind all of this he has a purpose for us, and it's all for our own good.


Monica in Mexico

Hello, thank you for these beautiful videos, bless the life of Erin and all the women who have contributed to give encouragement to other women. Thanks for all the advice given based on the word. I will apply much each and every one of them.

Thank you for your prayers and all your effort, I'll take his example to take care of others.

"Hola, gracias por esos hermosos videos, bendigo la vida de Erin y de todas las mujeres que han contribuido para dar animo a otras mujeres. Gracias por todos los consejos que dan basados en la palabra. Aplicaré mucho todos y cada uno de ellos.

Gracias por sus oraciones y todo su esfuerzo, tomaré su ejemplo para ocuparme de los demás."


Lizett in Venezuela

My blessed sweet Lord all the glory and honor to you! Thank you for having put into the heart of my sister Erin to create these videos for a testimony of your great power. It struck me as my sister Erin began by saying that God can restore any person and don't have to be special. For a long time I felt like a less person who does not deserve blessings that miracles only happen to others. But that is a mistake. God has come into my life to tell me, daughter I need you working for my kingdom. Be who you are and I'll shape my beautiful vessel to also help others to my kingdom. Glory to you, my God! My God is a God of impossible, without Him, you go wrong paths. Nothing I have done my own will in marriage has been successful, so after some time everything crumbles because it is built on sand. Allow God to restore me, it is to have Him first in my life, every thought is connected with and through His Word.

"Bendito Mi dulce Padre toda la gloria y la honra para ti!Gracias por haber puesto en el corazón de la hermana Erlin la creación de estos vídeos para testimonio de tu gran Poder. Me impactó como la hermana Erlin comenzó diciendo que Dios restaura a las personas no por ser especiales. Durante mucho tiempo me he sentido inferior o una persona que no merece bendiciones que los milagros sólo le sucede a otros. Pero ese es un error. Dios ha llegado a mi vida para decirme, hija te necesito trabajando para mi reino. Sé quien eres tu y te voy a moldear mi hermosa vasija para que también animes a otras personas para mi reino. Gloria a ti, mi Dios!Mi Dios, es un Dios de imposibles, sin El, es recorrer caminos equivocados. Nada de lo que he hecho por mi propia voluntad en el matrimonio ha sido acertado, por eso al cabo de cierto tiempo todo se desmorona porque está construido sobre suelo de ar ena. Permitir que Dios me restaure,es tenerlo en primer lugar en mi vida, cada pensamiento este conectado con el a través de su Palabra."


Denia in Costa Rica *Native language español

Many of the principles that Erin gives God has been speaking to me: that it's necessary to release our spouse, stop being dependent and in need ... so the wall will break ... but for that to happen, we should not just drop in attitudes or appearance, same with forgiveness ...

It filled me with courage to hear her testimony (I saw the first two videos) and know that many of the "stages" she tells that I've been through, makes me feel at "company," God is SO SO SO good and faithful! He did not have to send me to this ministry ... but he did !! When I needed to feel accompanied by women who understand my situation! God will never let us be tempted beyond what we can remember that He always gives us the exit!

By last! He encouraged me to pray to God to prepare me that in this time of "delay" as I have seen ... is a fair time from God to change me! And it will not bring him back if I'm not ready! God is working ... but not see it! He strengthened when we have no strength!

Let God be God!

"Muchos de los principios que Erin da Dios me ha venido hablando, es necesario SOLTAR a nuestro esposo, dejar de ser dependientes y de mostrarnos necesitadas... debe romperse el muro... pero para que eso ocurra, debemos no sólo soltar en las actitudes o por apariencia, lo mismo con el perdón...

Me llenó de coraje escuchar su testimonio (vi los dos primeros vídeos) y saber que muchas de las "etapas" que ella cuenta yo las he pasado, me hace sentir en "compañía", Dios es TAN TAN TAN Bueno y Fiel! Él NO tenía que hacerme llegar a este ministerio... pero lo hizo!! Cuando yo necesitaba sentirme acompañada por mujeres que entendieran mi situación! Dios NUNCA nos va a dejar ser tentadas más allá de lo que podamos, recuerden que Él siempre nos da la salida!

Por último! Me animó a orar a Dios para que me prepare, que en este tiempo de "demora" como yo lo he visto... es un tiempo justo de Dios para cambiarme a mí! Y NO va a traerlo de vuelta si yo NO estoy lista! Dios está trabajando... aunque no lo veamos! Él fortalece cuando NO tenemos fuerzas!

Dejemos a Dios ser Dios!"


Massiel in Venezuela *Native language español

In this video, God has been speaking to me in a powerful way about errors that I have been committing and that I should leave my earthly husband in the hands of the Eternal God. Whenever I look to God for my needs then He supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory and has also spoken to me about not being fearful because God is in control and does things in my favor if I follow His instructions obediently. I want to talk about forgiveness and the importance of forgiving my husband and the others involved and not hold a grudge because this is basic and fundamental in restoring my life and my marriage that I talk to God sincerely and open my heart and allow the healing to happen in me and wait. I should not be dispayed even if I'm not seeing my husband, which is important to know why this has happened and had made me uneasy and worried but there are testimonies of how God has restored marriages even if their wives did not see the husbands God brought them so I must take courage and encourage me with the Lord and His word. I thank God for Sister Erin and ministry and I really highly recommend this video that serves to clarify doubts and believe in what God can and will do for us in spite of what we are seeing

"En este vídeo, Dios me ha estado hablando de una manera poderosa sobre los errores que he estado cometiendo y que no debo seguir haciendo que debo soltar a mi esposo terrenal en manos del Eterno Dios y mi Esposo Celestial, que para mis necesidades siempre debo buscar a Dios pues el suplirá todas mis necesidades conforme a sus riquezas en gloria, también me ha hablado acerca de no temer porque Dios esta en control y hará las cosas a mi favor si sigo sus instrucciónes obedientemente, y me habla sobre el perdón la importancia de perdonar a mi esposo y los demás involucrados y no guardar rencor porque esto es básico y primordial en la restauración de mi vida y de mi matrimonio de que debo hablar con Dios sinceramente y abrirle todo mi corazón y permitirle a el sanarme y esperar en el que no debo desesperanzarme aun si ahora no estoy viendo a mi esposo lo cual es importante saber porque esto me tenia inquieta y preocupada pero hay testimonios de como Dios ha restaurado matrimonios aun cuando sus esposas no veían a los esposos Dios los trajo así que debo cobrar animo y alentarme con el Señor y su palabra, Doy gracias a Dios por la Hna Erin y su ministerio y de verdad recomiendo mucho este vídeo que nos sirve para aclarar dudas y creer en lo que Dios puede y hará por nosotras muy a pesar de lo que estemos viendo"


Alina in Mexico *Native language español

These videos are great teaching, I can not help myself, I have no control, I have no strength, God is helping me to forgive, to let go and to cling to Him. God is the center of my life, He is first before anyone else.

God answers our prayers, we have to look to Him and only Him, we must really be different women, women of God, our Lord will supply all our needs, give Him control of our lives, the Holy Spirit will speak.

"Estos videos han sido de gran enseñanza, no puedo yo sola, no tengo el control, no tengo las fuerzas, Dios es el que me ayuda a perdonar, a soltar y a aferrarme a Él.
Dios es el centro de mi vida, Él es primero antes que nadie.

Dios responde a nuestras oraciones, le tenemos que buscar a Él y solo a Él, debemos de ser realmente mujeres diferentes, mujeres de Dios, nuestros Señor suplirá todas nuestras necesidades, es darle el control de nuestras vidas, que el Espiritu Santo hable por mi."


Berlys in Colombia *Native language español

Through this video and witness Erin Thiele, God spoke to my heart and brought me memories of how I acted, like Erin I when my husband told me he did not love me and no longer felt anything for me I began to beg and mourn, I think are mistakes we make because we do not make Jesus our Lord, we do not live, we do not let ourselves be guided not do his holy will, I recognize that he had stolen the first place to God in my life.

God is a jealous God who wants the best for his children, he does not want to cling to men, our dependence is absolutely God, my life must be surrendered to Jesus who gave his life for me, his word says that children God all things work together for good.

I love you O Lord my strength.


"A través de este vídeo y el testimonio Erin Thiele, Dios hablado a mi corazón y me ha traído a memoria recuerdos de como actuaba yo, al igual que Erin yo cuando mi esposo me dijo que no me amaba y que ya no sentía nada por mi comencé a rogarle y a llorar, creo que son errores que cometemos por que no hacemos de Jesús nuestro Señor, no lo vivimos, no nos dejamos guiar, no hacemos su santa voluntad, reconozco que le había robado el primer lugar a Dios en mi vida.

Dios es un Dios celoso que quiere lo mejor para sus hijos, él no quiere que nos aferremos a hombres, nuestra dependencia es absolutamente de Dios, mi vida debe ser rendida a Jesús quien dio su vida por mi, su palabra dice que a los hijos de Dios todas las cosas nos ayudan a bien.

Te amo oh Jehová fortaleza mía."


Sarah in Canada *Native language french

This video really allowed me to understand how I have to let God into my life. This allowed me to confess my sins and ask God to change me. It gave me confidence and I learned through prayer what God expected of me, what I had to do before He can restore my marriage. I felt really encouraged in my step, I gained confidence in my situation.

"Ce vidéo m'a vraiment permise de comprendre comment je dois laisser Dieu agir dans ma vie. Cela m'a permise de confessé mes péchés et de demander à Dieu de me transformer.
Ça m'a donné confiance et j'ai su par la prière ce que Dieu attendait de moi, ce que je devais faire avant qu'il puiss restaurer mon mariage.
Je me suis senti vraiment encoragée dans ma démarche, j'ai repris confiance dans ma situation


Rosana no Espírito Santo 

Primeiro agradeço ao nosso Deus por esta oportunidade de conhecer mais Sua Palavra. Eu não tinha o costume de agradecer a Deus, mas depois que me aprofundei na Palavra e através do RMI, tenho buscado a enxergar sempre o lado bom dos acontecimentos, tenho muito o que aprender ainda claro.

Este vídeo acrescentou muito em minha jornada... foi usado para ter um passo a mais em minha jornada, eu já havia pedido perdão ao meu marido por ter sido briguenta, ciumenta, mas depois desse vídeo Deus me levou a dar nomes aos pecados que cometi, e coisas que fiz escondido como bisbilhotar celular e até entrar em contato com amigas dele por ciúmes, o envergonhando, e nesta semana foi meu aniversário, aproveitei que ele me ligou para me parabenizar e pedi coragem a Deus e fui confessando a ele meus erros que ele não sabia, mas que Deus havia me lembrado para confessar a ele e ficar em paz. Pois mesmo eu me arrependendo há muito tempo atrás e pedindo perdão ao Senhor, eu não havia pedido perdão ao meu marido terreno, foi maravilhoso é como o Senhor fosse tirando todo peso, e me trazendo o refrigério, ele foi muito doce comigo pela misericórdia de Deus, fiz como no vídeo ensina não demorei muito com outras conversas, após desligar fiquei em prantos... mas me senti renovada.

Após isto ele me enviou uma mensagem sendo cordial e dizendo para esquecer o passado e ainda de alguma forma quis me dizer que também cometeu erros, agradeci a Deus e fiquei muito feliz. Deus é fiel, justo, maravilhoso, misericordioso, e me ama muito.. a paz que excede todo o entendimento tem se tornado cada vez mais real em mim.. .

Neste vídeo verdadeiramente fui encorajada, e não tenho o direito de me deixar abater pelas circunstâncias, tudo tem seu tempo e Deus sabe quando eu estarei pronta para ver “a bondade Dele na terra dos viventes”, enquanto isto quero muito, cada vez mais de Deus.. aprender e adquirir um espírito manso, gentil e agradável, como Ele me promete.

Te amo Senhor meu Marido Celestial!




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