Dawn in Florida
Many thanks for this book it has made a huge difference in my life. God lead me to this ministry because he saw I was broken to the point of no hope for the future. I found peace and comfort in the literature because it is the word of God at time I couldn't move forward because sometimes the truth hurts but the truth will set you free. There are so many women who have been abandoned by their mate that are in financial trouble because of the lose of financial support so the RYM free course is also heaven sent. These words can't express enough how grateful I am for this and the relationship I now have with my Heavenly Husband. Thank You Erin for being so faithful and obedient to God and his will for you to help others.
I can't express in words how the book How God can and will restore your marriage has open my eyes to bible trues I would recommend it to every woman even before marriage. I have been a bible student for over 30 years and have conducted in home bible studies through my church but I still didn't have the hold truth and nothing but the truth until now. I have learned so much about Gods love and will for my life. I have learned a lot about myself I didn't know and was lead to make changes according to God standards and not the worlds. I now have a restored relationship with my first love my Heavenly father and my true husband Jesus.
Penelope in Colorado
This book has been a blessing and a great help to me. I have gained so much insight and knowledge on what the Word says concerning my life and current situation. It has been an eye opener about the mistakes I've made and convicted me of my sins. It has pointed me to my HH and I am renewed in my relationship with Him.
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage has been one of the best books I have read. It is full of scripture and truths that point us to our Heavenly Husband. It has been a reality check for me and brought conviction. It has helped me to see my mistakes and sins that I did not see before. It has provided the truth and knowledge I've always needed in my life. John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Jarri in Indiana
I have learned more in this last few months than in all my 50 years. When my husband left me I was at the lowest point I have been in my life. The pain was physical. Now, just a few months later, I am so full of the joy of the Lord. I have a peace that passes all understanding. Learning to be a quiet and gentle spirit has been a real learning experience for me. Thank you Erin and all the women who invest in this ministry. You are truly fulfilling the great commission to go and tell the gospel to all nations. God will greatly reward you for this.
This book is life changing and eye opening. Every woman needs to read this and learn what God has in store for us who have a heart for God and follow His precepts. This book will help in every aspect of your life, not just your marriage.
Angela in Pennsylvania
I have learned how to be a quiet and gentle spirit. To know this walk is more than about your EH but it is a walk with God. I learned how to be pleasing to Him and that He have never left for forsaken me. My weakness is his perfect strength. How what I put into my HH will be come back to me. God is our everlasting God and wants me to know how much he loves me and wants to help me with every area in my life. He is the almighty and will give me wisdom and show me the way. Do not repay evil for evil. Be obediant to Him and my husband. Do not be contentious for nothing and seek Him instead of doing things out of the flesh. He will answer in your weakest moments and be there when the dust settles.
It gives hope in a desperate situation. I was able to understand the why's of the mess I created and how to be pleasing and show my image of God within me.
Antonella in California
This book is truly a blessing and have completely changed my life and led me to fall in love with my hh!
READ IT this is the best book I have ever read and changed my life!
Elizabeth in Virginia
I feel so blessed for all I have learned and all the hope I have been given thank you so much with blessing me through this book i needed it so much
Janet in Pennsylvania
I am awestruck by the amazing way the Lord has turned my brain inside-out! I no longer blame my husband for our break-up, and have totally recognized my responsibility, (or sin) in the matter, and confessed these sins for the Lord's forgiveness. I have been trying to practice Without a Word and The kindness taught, on my friends, as well as my husband when I get the opportunity. I have reduced the amount of times I call and text, almost to zero which was a big, big surrender for me. This was all possible by following the lessons. I was acting well out of the flesh before this. Thank-you
Try this book. Keep an open mind. It is like trying a new recipe that you may not be familiar with. Be patient, and watch for the small everyday miracles that occur. If you feel like you have lost everything, than you have nothing to lose by doing this. Think about how your own methods are working for you, (probably not) . God has sent you here, not by accident. He sent me here and I am grateful for the way in which He is working in my life.
Misty in Virginia
I would definitely recommend this book to any woman that is going through marriage trials be it divorce or separation. I am so glad someone gave this book to me. I have learned so much from it and everything is backed up by God's Word.
Yes, thank you for helping me to understand. I truly appreciate the books Erin has wrote and the videos. They have taught me the things I need to apply to my life.
Erica in Illinois
I would highly recommend the "Restore Your Marriage" book to any woman who is experiencing a marriage crisis. This book is full of scripture and truth that we often don't hear, especially from the world, media, etc. How are we going to know the truth unless we search it out in the scripture and in relationship with Jesus? This book is an extremely valuable resource for any woman, especially if you desire to see your marriage restored!
I am so incredibly thankful. This ministry and this book has brought so much truth and encouragement during a time when I desperately needed it. I can truly say that I have so much hope for my marriage!
Chryselda in Canada
I was very lost months ago, and some days after prayers and looking for answers about what God wants me to do. It has become about me wanting to do His wish I have learned to smile at my tribulations and trials.
More than RESTORATION I just want to follow God's step. I leave it to God. For people in my situation or worse, I want them to know, that IT IS NEVER TOO LATE.