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Nona in United States
The book is easy to read and very encouraging to women like me who feels hopeless....



Jocelyn in California
I love reading this book and happy for the woman that have restored their marriage.



Simone in Brazil
Pray until something happens. And know that nothing is impossible for God.



Sandra in Great Britain
It almost covers every scenario, no situation too hard for our God. This literature definitely encourages you, you cannot help but believe God is on your side! And of course it is a definite must read.



Yvonne in Illinois
I suggest this book to everyone. This book is amazing with all the testimonies there is about the Lord's work. If you have any doubt or are having trouble getting through a day, read this book to get your encouragment and faith back.



Kerry in Colorado
This book provides the hope and faith to those of us who have and are experiencing marriage crisis! The testimonies within here I have seen some that are so similar to my own spiritual journey that it seems like I'm reading about myself. When I feel discouraged or lost I read a few testimonies to reassure me that nothing is impossible through God! And that gets me through the rest of the day!



Marina in Illinois
This book is absolutely the greatest hope for restoring one's marriage after reading all of the various testimonies. The Lord is providing so much wisdom and blessings to so many women. I read so many testimonies which were similar to mine and although not every testimony will not be identical I trust that WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR OTHERS HE WILL DO FOR ME AND FOR YOU. PRAISE GOD.



Wanda in Illinois
Excellent book to strengthen and encourage those who are struggling with a marriage that has fallen apart. These testimonies of others whose marriages have been restored are nourishment to those who hunger for a confirmation from God that He does want marriages to be restored. 


Lorena in New Jersey
By reading this book i realize how wrong i was doubting the will of God in my life.... Testimonies always reassured my faith in those things only God can do.


Lisa in New Jersey
This is such a great book with tons of testimonies on restored marriages. I can see and identify with most of the women and the grief and hurt and pain we are all experiencing.
Also, I was so relievevd to find out a word that described me. BOY, I was on my knees repenting for my actions, words and deeds and my one prayer that i pray everyday is for my Lord to change me from a contentious woman to a Proverbs 31 woman. God showed me my awful and disrespectful behavior to my husband. I stumbled upon your book "God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage on Amazon when i was looking for a Book. As i was browsing, i typed in books on marriage restoration and came upon the book and ordered it immediately. I have been reading and highliting it like crazy and I keep reading it over and over.




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