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Simone from United Kingdom​
*Update: Simone RESTORED in United Kingdom.

Wow, this Journey is Going to be Awesome! I am beginning to realize that this journey that I am on to marital restoration has nothing to do with my husband, but all about me. I was so busy praying for justice, and if I didn't see God stand up for me, I would take matters into my own hands to pay back my husband for the pain I was going through. I know now that I left my First Love a long time ago, and this journey is about me returning to my First Husband. I have learned in this chapter that this painful disaster in my life that has been going on non stop for two years is an indication of how lost I am. Just this chapter alone which is just full of the Word, the Word, the Word, has made me see that the lack of breathing in the Word, feeding on the Word, and living by EVERY Word that comes from God, is why I have run into difficulties and made big mistakes not just as a wife but as a mother, daughter, friend, sister, and as a Christian. I am understanding that the Word of God must be such a pat of me, hidden deeply in my heart, that it becomes my first response even when I am hurting bad. I have a surge of desire to be Jesus' new bride. Solely His, until my husband calls us back home to the USA. Just that single choice of letting Jesus be my Husband, and also starting to tithe again, has brought a SUDDEN change literally OVERNIGHT:

I woke up this morning, and from a man who had only cruel words to say to me day in, day out for about four months straight, I received a message from him, where among other things, told me that he is PRAYING WITH ME! For the first time in AGES, he called me, "Sweetheart". 

Ohhh and that is not all:

Yesterday while reading the 'Encourager', I resolved to God to return to tithing, but the decision was surrounded with questionings on how I would provide the weekly needs from welfare money especially NOW THAT THEY ARE GOING TO STOP ONE STREAM OF MY MONEY COMING TO ME. I told God my anxiety, and was assured by Him that He will provide ALL of my needs. This morning's 'Encourager', was dealing more specifically with TITHING (in the Testimony section)! My heart said yes Lord. Then I received a letter in the mail from my electric and gas company (I pay for the electricity and the gas heating supply using a prepaid key and a prepaid card), telling me that I have been accepted for 3 monetary gifts to be taken to the store to put on my electric key. M'aan....that will take my electric right through most of the summer!

God was just waiting on the edge of His seat for me to give Him my all, and put Him first, and the floodgates of blessing will burst through, as I saw the beginnings of that happen today!

Wow, this journey is going to be awesome!


Shirley in Texas 

I need to put God first and trust Him! It definitely encouraged me to continue standing for my marriage. This chapter reminded me that God is the one in control and that He truly wants what is best for me and my family. He desires that I stay in His Word, follow His leading, pray fervently and allow Him to work a miracle in my marriage. I need to put God first and trust Him!


Oby from Nigeria 

He just spoke to me. Through this book I have discovered that the crisis in my home was entirely my fault. For the fact that he walked out made me to feel he offended me greatly. A day before I read this book, I was at my wits end, blamed God for not answering my prayers, asked Him in tears why He has decided to punish me despite all I am going through, nothing could console me, until I opened my iPad and saw this, went through it and all my questions were answered, I begged God to forgive me because it dawned on me that He just spoke to me.


Joy in Nevada

Update: Joy RESTORED in Nevada

There is hope!  Before I found this book, I thought there was no hope. That I had no choice but to move on and think that there must be someone better out there for me because this one didn't work out. I was in so much pain and I had no peace. But just from the first couple of pages, it said that God can and will restore your marriage! There is hope! 

The first time I read the chapter, it gave me hope. But looking back, I think it was because I found that there's a way to restore my marriage, to be with my husband again, that if I do this, God will restore my marriage. It's like I will do this so God will restore my marriage and not because so I can get know God. It was selfish. All I cared about was the restoration of my marriage. I've read that I have to put God first and not my marriage restoration. at first I had trouble understanding it. The same way when I read chapter 1 the first time, I didn't really understand all of it, it's like I'm only understanding parts of it, the parts I wanted to read, the ones that gave me hope. 

I have since read this book many times and I have followed what it says. I now know the scriptures and really understand them by heart. 

I feel like I have come a long way from when I first started reading this. Now I believe it. I trust it. I know it's true. I have a faith I've never had before in my 30 years of living. 

It helped me how to put my trust in God because it says to not to do the things I have been doing-- my ways. I thought I was in the right but I've actually been doing so many things wrong. I've made so many mistakes. I followed the quick reference and that is where I started to feel some peace... I say "some" because at that time I hadn't fully surrendered and trusted everything to God. 

I learned that this is a spiritual battle. That I need to really pray. I need to talk to God and confess and repent my sins. I need to stop running and hiding from Him. 

I must put God first in my life. At first I wasn't sure how to do it. Now I'm happy to say He is first in my life. And I'm so thankful!


Wendy in California 

Wow! I learned that my cares and worries should only be addressed with God and I should not share my marriage issues with people. I also learned not to bad mouth my husband to anyone, especially our children. I also learned that I should not snoop and try to find out information about my husband's whereabouts. I shouldn't try to confront the new woman in his life or try to argue with him when I see him.

I want to apply each of the principles. I know it will be difficult as it is something new to me, but I also understand that in order to put my full and complete faith in God to do HIS will I need to let go and let God fight this battle for me. 



Faith in Kenya

I have learnt to completely surrender my life to the Lord. I have learnt to relay on Him and to trust that He is doing all things because of His love and His purpose. Roman 8:28. 

The first Chapter have given me strong foundation about a godly marriage, Marriage founded upon the Rock; Jesus Christ. I had idolized my husband, everything was centered around Him, I left God and was not entirely my focus, this book has made me remember Jesus Christ- My Husband, My first Love. I have learnt to take everything to my First Love, i have learnt to turn to Him for everything.

I have also learnt that God will restore this marriage and bring my husband back when i totally work in total obedience to Him. I have also learnt to look through the eyes of faith and not in the physical nature.

I have also learnt that all the answers and in the scriptures...all of them. i thought i knew it all, i thought through reading book, not bible will help, i sort many short cut, i wanted to be quickly restored back rather a quick fix, but not anymore, i want God to work on me and heal me completely and restore me at His time. Quick fix is temporary, i will not solve the issues, i would still repeat the same cycle over and over again. I bless the Lord for this ministry.

Now every moment i find myself reading the bible or trying to memorize the scriptures, something I stopped doing along time ago. I find myself being led to praise and worship, I lock myself in the room and pray, I just feel, there is something deep within me that wants to reach out to God and touch Him.

There has been negative talks about me, funny thing is, i prayed for God's grace, i have not gotten upset, i still find myself rejoicing even in the midst of everything. My heart has been at peace. Indeed, the Lord gives peaces not like man does, His peace transcends all human understanding.

I forgave my husband along time ago and even sort his forgiveness, though we do not talk, i still show acts of kindness every time i get the chance, speak lively to him on the phone when he calls to speak to the children. When i look at him nowadays, i no longer look to him as a bad man, but as someone who the devil wants to use and therefore i pray for him daily.


Sandy in Arizona

I made many mistakes when this first happened. I read them in chapter one. I was desperate and not allowing God to be number one in my life. I was doing things that I thought were right, my husband deserved all that I was doing because he had wronged me. I had to repent when I read chapter 1 the first time. I have made many mistakes on the way, but God is all powerful and nothing is impossible with him.

I will be obedient and listen to what the Lord says to me. He has shown me that I need to continue to look to him and be an example to others. He is the only one who can restore my marriage. 


Mariette in Canada

I learned to give my life completely to The Lord to trust Him alone and let go off all my doubting that was there all the time deep down in my heart.

I really saw that I have to be quiet and stay quiet in every situation and praise The Lord to help me with this because I couldn't before I read the whole book and started reading a wise woman.

My relationship with The Lord is growing and He is really there for me.

I am the most thankful for that The Lord took away the heavy stone and pain from my heart and feel how He is working in my heart , molding me!


Misty in Alabama

I've learned to keep calm and refrain from saying negative things to my ex. I've also learned to put God first and everything else will fall in line.


Jodi in Alaska

I was far from a christian wife, i didn't support my husband in his decisons, argued many things that were wrong. I could have avoided arguements and fighting with my husband. I found trust in the Lord unconditionally. 




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