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Laurie in Canada

I feel women need to know what the Lord says in regards to women and marriage and in the home.


Arlene in Puerto Rico

This is the best book I ever read in my whole life, and I have read a lot. It has so much wisdom, God bless Erin for such wonderful book.

Les recomiendo este ministerio a toda mujer y recomiendo todos Los libros por la sabiduria que encierran. Han sido de mucha bendicion a mi vida.


Nancy in Maryland

I recommend all materials of this ministry, videos, books and courses. God spoke to me different in each, but together helped me to see the truth of God and His word. I use, Videos Be encourage, books, a wise wife, as God can and will restore your marriage, By the word of Their testimony, workers at home, and all I could download it, use it. Beside my bible. They were a great blessing. The truth has been the best investment books, including my Bible.

I recommend each and every one of the materials of this ministry is like a map to guide us, like a puzzle, as Erin says in one of her videos

Be Encourage.


"Recomiendo todos los materiales de este ministerio, los videos , los libros y los cursos. Dios me hablo diferente en cada uno de ellos, pero todos juntos me ayudaron a ver la verdad de Dios y su palabra. Yo use, Los videos Be encourage, los libros, una esposa sabia, como Dios puede y va a restaurar tu matrimonio, By the word of their testimony, workers at home, y todo lo que pude descargar, lo utilice. Al lado de mi biblia. Fueron de gran bendicion. La verdad, ha sido la mejor inversion en libros , incluyendo mi biblia.

yo le recomiendo todos y cada uno de los materiales de este ministerio, es como un mapa que nos guía, como un rompecabezas, como dice Erín en uno de sus videos

Be Encourage."


Denise in South Africa

I would recommend this book to everyone woman out there who has not read it ! I grew up in a house where the principles in this book wasn't even thought of . Then I went through my married life doing exactly the opposite of what was expected of me , what God expected of me . And sad to say my daughter grew up the very same. However all is not lost , as with all of us , we were found , and this book made its way to us .Now lets us be the ones to show love by introducing the principles to the women out there who desperately need it. So that families can start being healed.


Kimberly in Wyoming

This book has been a tremendous blessing and helped change my life. It is biblically based and almost all scripture.

I very much recommend the Finding the Abundant Life book. It will help you understand and gain a more personal relationship with our HH.


Migdalia in Puerto Rico

If you realy want to know and understand God's truths without it being watered down or twisted you must read the WW. If you want to get your feet firmly upon the Rock so you can start to rebuild your life , you must start by renewing your mind but on the truth. The word says the truth shall set you free ...and free you will be but upon true principles. Read it I guarantee that you will be blown away will never be the same and the Lord will become your all the center of your life.


Caterina in El Salvador *Native language español

Thank you for your ministry. I have no doubt that God supports this work and that they not only help restore marriages, but lives, the lives of women who have lost or never met the GREAT and FIRST love that is God the Father and his son Jesus. God bless you and multiply blessings. The book is encouraging and good.

"Gracias por su ministerio. No tengo duda que Dios apoya esta obra y que no sólo ayudan a restaurar matrimonios, sino vidas, las vidas de mujeres que han perdido o nunca han conocido al GRAN y PRIMER amor que es Dios Padre y su hijo Jesús. Dios las bendiga y les multiplique bendiciones. El libro es alentador y bueno"


Beata in Florida

Information that is so badly needed in this day and age when everything and everyone is so disposable. Should be required reading for young women just starting out. I wish I had come across it years ago.



Katka in Slovakia *Native language slovenský

Wonderful book, God blessed. I wish I got this book as a wedding gift. I wish I received this book at the beginning of marriage, when everyone is still climbing the mountain of marriage. The amazing truth of God.
Went to the restore page and immediately going to order more books and I will give out. Let them get into the right hands, and let them send hope above.
I read the book many times and ever since March 1st in my purse I carry every day, but do you know why?
Every one section is true, I will not elevate any chapter. Because each is a quality, full true Word, and each chapter is needed to the path of recovery. It gives you what you need at the start of the journey. Especially Hope and then you learn how to walk ...
It offers answers to many questions for a wife if her marriage breaks down and she does not understand why ....

"Úžasná kniha, Bohom požehnaná. Kiež by som túto knihu dostala ako svadobný dar. Kiež by túto knihu dostávali všetci na začiatku manželstva, keď všetci ešte len vystupujú na horu manželstva. Úžasné Božie Pravdy.
Keď sa obnoví stránka, tak ihneď idem objednať viac kníh a budem ich rozdávať. Nech sa dostávajú do správnych rúk a nech zosielajú nádej zhora.
Knihu som prečítala veľakrát a od 1. marca ju nosím v kabelke každý deň, však viete prečo.
Každá jedna kapitola je pravdivá, nebudem vyzdvihovať žiadnu kapitolu. Pretože každá je kvalitná, plná pravdivého Slova a každá kapitola je potrebná k Ceste Obnovy. Dá Vám to, čo potrebujete na začiatku Cesty. Najmä Nádej a potom Vás naučí ako kráčať...
Ponúka odpovede na množstvo otázok, ktoré má žena, ak sa jej manželstvo rúca a ona nechápe prečo...."


Diana in España *Native language español

I recommend this to all women, no matter what state you're in, it's a blessing and helps our lives to be first built on the rock and God first and then see our husbands.

"Recomiendo este a todas las mujeres, diferente al estado civil que se encuentre, es una bendición y ayuda a que primero nuestra vida este sobre la roca y Dios en primer lugar y despues ver a nuestros esposos"





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