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Day 1: Beloved, come away with Him when He whispers your name in the dark. Seek Him early while He may be found.
Erin Thiele is a God-lover and God-worshiper. Through this book, she will help you to DAILY come into the presence of your Lord and Savior—the “Lover of Your Soul. She says...
Meeting the Lord first thing in the morning is what sets the stage for the rest of your day! It gives you your true focus, which must be the Lord Himself.
Living the life of a powerful Christian leader seems like a tall order, but it only takes each of us taking time each and every day to get up and meet with the Lover of our soul, Jesus our Savior. This is the only thing that will bring lasting and life-changing fruits into our lives. We will experience joy, peace, power and purpose.
Don’t miss out on an experience that only few ever dare to know. Whether you are rich or poor, fat or thin, smart or slow, a veteran Christian or a babe in Christ—setting time alone with God, the creator of the universe, is available to you!
Day 366: Come, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together. HALLELUJAH!!

“I would not know what to do had I not had the devotional to depend on for spiritual strength every morning. My Beloved has given me strength every day for the past 18 months. I cherish your encouragement that I receive and I appreciate all you are doing for me and countless, helpless women around the world.” William, Grand Turk, Turks Islands
“This book was the light in my world to show me what step to take next. I would seek it every morning knowing that God would have a special word to encourage me to get through another day. He would give me love; hear my cries, my requests, and most importantly my praises.God talks all the time if we just take the time to listen.” Larry in California