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★★★★★ Reviews

Be Encouraged CLASSIC: Video Series


Kyle, RESTORED in Pennsylvania

5 star! so much to learn and so much practical biblical advise. Very grateful for this. Thank you so much


Falisha in Kansas

What an amazing video. Thank you Erin for taking the time to make a video that would offer such encouragement. I got to this part of the week when I was in my most desperate state. Hearing about how God wants to work on my behalf but can only do so according to His principles was just what I needed to hear. God wants us to succeed. He wants our marriages to succeed but He can only do it according to the way that His word says that it can be done. This video reminded me that the Lord loves us and He truly wants what's best. He wants to bless our marriages and to have our families restored. Thank you Erin for taking the time to reach out and encourage others.


Shelly in Arizona

I love the video, it is encouraging me for sure and giving me the direction that I need to focus on at this time. Also, at the beginning of the video when she spoke about another lady being discouraged and the devil telling her that He wouldn't restore for her, man that helped me a lot, as just a couple of hours before watching the video I was feeling that exact same way and then feeling guilty for feeling that way. It made me feel like I was normal and that it was alright to get discouraged every once in while I just need to trust the Lord.


Sandra in Canada

This video is very interesting and I can relate it to everything I read in the book, someone sent it to me on Facebook. I read it all and I love the way it teaches women to only trust God no matter what everyone says. Thanks you for your ministry

..."Este vídeo fue muy interesante y me mostró en que estaba fallando yo como en lo de hablar de mi situación con otra gente y lo de decirle a gente que yo estaba dispuesta a esperar el tiempo que fuera necesario. Gracias a Erin por su ministerio Diosla bendiga. "


Deirdre in Kentucky

After watching this video for the 3rd of 4th time, it is encouraging. Things that Erin are saying is so true. I have experienced so many of the things and can relate. I pray for the strength that Erin has to get through this restoration. What I feel like He is telling me is to Wait and Be Still. My timing is not His timing. I have read God can and Will Restore Your Marriage a couple of times but now I'm ready to read it for the third time. There were times when I wanted to give up but realizing God hadn't and will not give up on me.


Amelyn in Philippines

This video gives me more wisdom especially that Erin is talking about her own experience. I love how she demonstrates the principles because it gives me clear understanding of the scriptures found in the book. 

I found this video very wise. Erin is emphasizing how important it is not to talk about the situation especially the stand that we are taking as somebody could be praying the otherwise. It is also very wise not to talk to other woman and be self-righteous with our beliefs. By doing so, we may open the door for the devil to come in. We need to guard this to happen. Sometimes we think that a certain way is a Christian way but it actually is not.

I also like this video when Erin said that we may worn out trying to please our husband as I have been this way. We are supposed to please the Lord and the Lord will make us pleasing to our enemies. But it is indeed right to submit to our husband's will even if we don't like it but all we have to do is to appeal to the Lord.

I also like it when Erin said that even if our husband is not present to see that we are changed, then we just have to live it because God wants to change us. This just touches my heart and a new lesson to me. I'm glad I discovered this. Starting from little things like being rebellious inside.

As emphasized over and over again, there should be waiting time and not be weary about it because God is in control. I love to hear this over and over again because I am such an impatient person and most of the time I get weary of waiting. As Erin said, this the best time regain strength from the Lord.

Another important reminder from Erin which is an eye opening to me is that we should not blatantly tell our husband and that we are standing for our marriage because this is only showing us that we are not able to let go of our husband. This hits me to the bones. I might commit this mistake had I not known this in this lesson.

Also being emphasized is to avoid being spritually arrogant. This happens to me most of the time. I thank Erin for reminding me of this.

I can't wait to watch the next video. Thank you Erin.


Carolina in Canada

Erin said something that I really didn't know. That I have to go to God, every time I'm faced with something I know is not right.

I wish I had done that before, I have been in situations where I submit but it was a horrible situation. And I didn't pray to God for it to be stopped, I thought I have to suffer it. Which I did.

I now want to pray for every thing, asking God for his blessing or for Him to stop what I agreed to.


Ivonne in Colombia *Native language español

It was a video of great help and reassured me with what she said about losing my husband and that I should not try to call, contact or locate him is what I did after he left home. I really thought that the Lord should have never allowed it, but God allowed me to act wisely for this testimony. It to me confirms that it is not because God will not restore my home but because I needed to protect myself from the pain, and a time for the Lord to work in me, and I see that the more you ask me to change more things happen in my life, in my environment definitely showing me that He looks after me.

This video is supported by the Word of God. It teaches me that there is nothing better than the narrow door however painful it may seem, the circumstances and the winds one day will be in my favor because that is the promise of God.

I will continue asking God for the salvation of my husband and the restoration of my home, firm in Him who is my rock.

"Fue un video de gran ayuda y que me tranquilizo porque muchas de las cosas que comenta Eilin sobre soltar a mi pareja y no tratar de llamarlo, contactarlo o ubicarlo fue lo que hice después que él se fue de casa, y la verdad pensaba que no debía haberlo permitido, pero con este testimonio compruebo como Dios me permitió actuar de manera sabia y hoy en día no saber nada de él me corrobora que no es porque Dios no vaya a restaurar mi hogar sino porque necesitaba protegerme del dolor, y un tiempo para trabajar en mi, y veo que entre más le pido que me cambie más cosas suceden en mi vida, en mi entorno que me demuestran que definitivamente Él se ocupa de mi. 

Este video sustentado con la palabra de Dios me enseña que no hay mejor puerta que la estrecha por más dolorosa que parezca, las circunstancias y los vientos un día estarán a mi favor porque esa es la promesa de Dios.
Continuaré pidiendo a Dios por la salvación de mi esposo y la restauración de mi hogar, firme en Él que es mi roca."


Janette in Texas

This was a great first video that starts off by giving so much hope. It uses Gods word and to teach us what to do and what not to do. It's a great beginning video.


Amneris in Puerto Rico *Native language español

In these two videos I realized many things that are already starting to change in me. I know God has everything under control he wanted me to put Him first before my husband. I started to let it go to release him because when I didn't let go it got worse. But since I started reading the book and found this page I let go and I felt much better. Whenever I feel I can not I ask God to give me strength and help me, if I'm in the car I get to listen to your music to praise and be more relaxed. Thank you for all you have taught me wish I had someone to talk to give me support and also want to help more women who are going through the same.

"En estos dos video me di cuenta de muchas cosas que ya yo comencé a cambiar en mi. Se que Dios tiene todo bajo control que él buscaba que yo lo pusiera a él primero antes que a mi esposo. Yo empece a dejarlo ir a soltarlo porque cuando todavía no lo soltaba me sentía cada vez peor. Pero desde que comencé a leer el libro y encontré esta pagina lo solté y me he sentido mucho mejor. Cada vez que siento que no puedo le pido a Dios que me de fortaleza y que me ayude, si ando en el auto me pongo a escuchar su música para alabarlo y estar mas tranquila. Gracias por todo lo que me han enseñado desearía tener alguien con quien hablar para que me diera apoyo y también deseo ayudar a mas mujeres que estén pasando por lo mismo."




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