Jewel in Honduras
Ladies this book is amazing it leads and helps us to find our Love and through Him is to find the abundant life. I encouraged every woman to read this book and start living it.
Dear Brides, let's not give up on our HH who is just waiting for us to ask Him and He will provide us our every needs, He is the only one that has it all, and this will help explain how to seek Him and wait for answers.
Natasha in Honduras
This book is one of the many keys that God has placed for us to use when we need strength during this season. God gives us many keys throughout the Bible that are available for us in every walk of life. Please use them.
I know that it hurts, believe me I know. I would encourage all to read these books. Fill your mind with God and His principles and it will come easier to trust and know that God is real and He is in the miracle working business.
Carolina in Canada
The book is for using as a guide to change your life in Christ.
Dear Brides, I am learning too, to be His bride. Keep coming closer to Him. It is the most important thing that you can learn from this book .
Delilah in Belice
For us to understand our RJ, we need to start reading this book, we need to understand that our Abundant Life is not in a restored marriage, an EH that loves us, a perfect family. The abundant life is the one our HH created for each of us to live, to understand and to allow it. He created an abundant life for us to live in trust not caring for what is coming against us, everything will come against us when we seek Him wholeheartedly, but what we need is not to give up, because it is there where we will start living this life, the life created from Him to give to us, and it is there where we will learn that the rest is a gift, but our life with Him is what we need.
Dear Brides, I understand that when we get weary it's because we are trying too hard, we are fighting with our own strength and we have our own thing planned out. We forget that our HH's plans are far more better than our own, but for Him to work we need to give up, surrender our plans and needs and want what He wants for us.
I have struggled a lot in this part, but I will do it daily, I will surrender every hour, every minute of each day, because I do trust my HH and I really want everything He created me to have, I have tasted it, lived it, and know exactly how it feels, so I will do it in everything and just leave everything in His hands.
Suieshie in Alabama
God has a bigger plan for us then we have for ourselves. There is more to our journey than just knowing His word. Knowing Him intimately and personally opens the door for our relationship with Him to be taken to a whole new level. Nothing is impossible with God and once we allow ourselves to be given completely over to Him He will show us what we have not seen before, another side of Him.
Dear Brides, we have never known such peace and joy until we've surrendered it all to God,to let go of every bit of control you have over every area of your life is frightening but rewarding. To not have a care in this world that involves your concern but to know you are in the hands of a God that is in control of it all is comforting. We can't experience that until we are ready to make Him our all.
Diane in Ontario
I would recommend this book to everyone who passes through RMI. There are areas of life where we need to let our Lord take over and heal our brokeness. This book is an example of allowing it all to come down so our Lord can build it back His way!
It will cause you to return to your greatest love ever, where you belong. Because this format is so unique, it will take you into places about yourself that you never saw before. Those are good things though. However it all turns out in your life one thing is certain....that is your love for the One who loves you more.
The Lord has a way for expressing Himself. I tend to look at His ways as being counter to ours yet it works. There is a reason for a Bible. There is a reason it is the best seller of all time. If you knock on the door He will answer. That one verse that Michele worked around in her mind for so long has such a great meaning. It is humble, yet sets our mind on something not quite so obvious....what is precious? His words to me are always precious and teach me to reach for His highest for me.
Sasha in Trinidad
This book has been helping me so much to draw closer to my HH and to establish a purity and spiritual maturity in my growth as a believer. It has helped every aspect of my life and for many others who I have been sharing this book with has had similar experiences.
Dear Brides, something that really stood out to me when I read this is when she stated that one of the principles in giving is that we would have to give and we might never be acknowledged for doing so. Many of you might be placed in a situation which might seem as unfair or unjust because you will have to pay a certain bill or work long hours. However, this is all part of our HH's plan to bless us and to make us grow. He has set up this situation because He has something great in store for us and those around us. So do not back down or resist but instead welcome it and give faithfully, without fear and anxiety.
Veronica RESTORED in California Restaurada En Gracia
I would say that it is a book that speaks the truth to set free and the truth to find the abundant life that our Heavenly Spouse bought for us.
Amen! Welcome to find the reason to live, may your Love be all that you long for, May It Be Your All, and even your breathing.
His Love is Eternal and unconditional. And you will never thirst but to drink from its water and be in you as a source of water that leaps to eternal life. John 4:14
"Diria que es un libro que habla la verdad para hacer libres y la verdad para encontrar la vida abundante que nuestro Esposo Celestial compro para nosotros.
Amen!! Bienvenida a encontrar la razon de vivir. Que su amor sea todo lo que anheles. Que El Sea Tu Todo. Y aun tu respirar.
Su amor es Eterno e incondicional. Y jamas tendras sed sino que al beber de su agua y sea en ti como una fuente de agua que salte para vida eterna. Juan 4 14"
Valecia in Arizona
This book is awesome. It has helped me to live a fuller and peaceful life with my beloved at the forefront. It will do the same for you. Give it a try!
Dear Brides, I encourage you to read this and get ready for a more intimate relationship with your HH. He is waiting to bless you and be gracious to you but you have to open up every part of you and allow Him to change you from the inside out. Only then will you be truly blessed in all areas of your life.
Destiny in Canada
If you feel something is missing in your life, this book will help you find it.
Dear Brides, keep on pressing to God, we can only find and have abundant life with Him. If you want someone who never leave you it it Him.