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Stella in South Africa

This book is filled with real examples of struggles we face. We can find comfort in knowing our struggles are not unique and that Our HH has provided a way to Him through this writing.


Marcela in Brazil

Words give freedom, relief, peace, take the weight off!

"As palavras dão liberdade, alívio, paz, tira o peso!"


Eliza in Cameroon

Finding the Abundant life is a life-changing book. I would recommend it to every woman. We all need to experience the freedom, the peace and the joy that come when we trust God with every circumstance of our life.


Marcela in Brazil

Losing is not a nice word! But to believe that He will be replaced by things better and greater than we think or even imagine makes everything light! Look steadfastly forward, with all confidence; Do not bow your head, ashamed. Proverbs 4:25

"Perder não é uma palavra agradável! Mas crer que Será substituído por coisas melhores e maiores do que pensamos ou até imaginamos faz tudo ficar leve! Olhe firme para a frente, com toda a confiança; não abaixe a cabeça, envergonhado. Provérbios 4:25"


Diana in Lima

I would recommend it to any woman who wants to know more about the Lord and wants to fall in love with Him, it is a great blessing

"Si lo recomiendo a toda aquella mujer que anhela conocer más al señor y desea enamorarse más de él es una gran bendición"


Melissa in Arkansas

Dont let what other say bring you down. Have peace knowing God loves you. God will take care of you. Thanks devil tricks us by placing negative thoughts into our minds to ruin our relationship with Jesus.

He longs to be close to you. The author speaks intimately how the Lord is moving in her life. The Lord will move in your life too. The Lord will love you & encourage you if you only let Him.


Cherie in Manila

For those tired and weary, please this book is your guide to unlocking a life that is abundant, all we ever dreamed of.

Start these lessons with a clean and humble heart and i guarantee, it will replenish what has been lost and taken from you, you just have to believe. It will help you understand the purpose for the trials He had allowed in your life and will make living easier.


Mitzi in Minnesota

Do you want to have the best husband ever? Is there something missing. Read and do what this says. Let that be the testimony of your life. Do not stop.


Andrea in Florida

I would encourage you to allow the Lord to repair and restore YOU. Never mind the marriage for now. Work on you.


Matilda in California

This is such a beautiful book! It all begins and ends with the Lord. After all, this journey happened because HE allowed it! All along, He's been waiting to get our attention because HE so desired to bless us! Brides, start reading 🙂 




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