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Jenna in Minnesota

I really can't speak my gratitude in words. The verse "two are better than one, for if one should fall, the other can reach out and help him" comes to mind. I had fallen and you reached out your hand to a stranger.

I can say that because of the RYM, I've moved forward and it's changed my walk with the Lord. It has changed my perspective, my relationship with God, my relationship with others, my faith, and caused me to take a good hard look at myself. God orchestrated the intervention for a divine purpose.

So far, I have learned that God can and will restore my marriage. I learned that I need to get on my knees and repent for spiritual pride and a lack of true love with my Lord. I am on the Potter's Wheel right now as I write this and though it has been painful, it has been revealing and life-changing. Thank you to all who have been a part of my journey.

At first, this book is going to inspire you. It is going to tell you the words you have been DYING to hear from someone, anyone! God CAN AND WILL restore your marriage. Those words will be water to your thirsty soul as it was mine. I cried my eyes out when I started this book because these were words that I so desperately needed.

Then this book is going to get a little painful. Some people might even stop reading at this point. Because you are going to learn and hear things about yourself that you will absolutely want to deny. It's at this point when you realize that you are largely to blame for what's going on in your marriage. And that will crush you. But it's everything you need to complete this journey. Because if you don't face the things that are in your heart, even the ugly things, you won't get your husband back...but more importantly, you won't and can't be right with God and that is what should really crush you.

Once you accept your part in the crumbling of your marriage and repent, you will keep moving forward in this book. And it will become inspirational, practical and a lifeline straight from God.


Kim in Texas

The things that I have learned about myself during this journey, I will never get to repay. 

I have a young friend that I have recommended the "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" to. It is a pleasure to recommend a ministry that supports keeping a marriage together when so many just want to throw away what God has said we should do.


Mercy in Botswana

Wow, words cannot express what I've learned by going through the RYM. The basic principles of marriage, how did I miss it the first time when I read it! I learned God's principles and how He does this to enrich our lives and not make us miserable. Thank you for your generosity and love in blessing us and thus helping us through His words out of the pit of destruction. Words cannot express my gratitude and love towards this ministry. God's richest blessings to you all beautiful marvelous ladies.

Firstly I would emphasize the fact that we all need to get closer to God before we can even think of getting closer to our EH. There is no easy way around this. Your relationship with your First love has to be put right first. 


Julianne in Florida

I can not express enough how grateful I truly am. I read through How God Can and Will Restore my Marriage book and I couldn't stop there.
I have applied the principles and still reading my scriptures daily, even though of course I face challenges.

I'm loving the Lord so much more. He is giving me a new joy, He is giving me faith that is unbelievable and using me to encourages others daily.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you because this book has kept me going.

You must read this book no if and or buts about it! If you apply the principals and keep scriptures close God will do the impossible for you.


Diane in Texas

I'm not quite sure I would be here if it was not for this ministry. It was what has given me hope when I had absolutely none! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In a world full of people who live their lives by what the world says, I find such comfort in knowing that there are others like me. I am not alone on this journey!

How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage is the best book I have ever read other than the Bible. I wish I had it before my marriage ended. If God's Word says it, it is truth! So many books, even 'christian' books come with the authors' perspective on things. This book is what God says! I would rather listen to Him than anyone else!!


Juanita in Texas

I was at one of the lowest points in my life, devasted when God lead me here. It was here that I learned who the real me had become over the years and with a broken spirit I have allowed God to change that person to someone new. I can't begin to express my gratitude to you. I found my first love, I found God, the lover of my soul. I love my EH but I love the Lord more. You have given me more than silver and gold. It's hard to believe as a Christain I've lived my life without a relationship with Him; I am ashamed of myself. No one will ever take His place again. Thanks again.

My first words to another woman in crisis would be to not say another word to her spouse, nothing no matter what he is saying. I would ask her if she wanted her marriage to be saved, I would also tell her that divorce and separation are never the answers under no circumstance. I would explain to her the reason for both. Yes, I would recommend this book to her.


Pamela in South Carolina

It is with a heart full of joy that I say THANK YOU. 

I would recommend this ministry and book to anyone. I would emphasize that the lessons here will help you to become a new woman and have a new/stronger relationship with the Lord.


Laurie in Canada

I really want to thank you for providing my first stepping stone for a restored life. This is the start of my journey and I want you to know I will work as hard as I can to finish the race and help others to follow in God's word. I want you to understand it is not just a resorted marriage I am looking at it is a restored life!

There is not anything better than knowing you have saved someone's life and believe me when I say you have helped save my life I am not just saying that. From the bottom of my heart thank you for helping me on my journey.

I would recommend the book to anyone who truly wants to restore their marriage, they need to find God and His word. It is a difficult path to walk but would recommend it to anyone!


Daniela in Arizona

I cannot thank you enough. I am so thankful for the goodness of our Lord and touching my life. This has changed my life, and I give the honor and glory to God for working in me through all the scriptures and testimonies of this book. I can say that God has changed me so much, I have learned so much and I thank the Lord for opening my eyes to the truth. Thank you Lord for your amazing grace and mercy that you pour on me every day and for allowing me to be a blessing to others as well. I don't have words of gratitude and for the joy I have experience through this journey. I have had very hard moments as well, but God has always been with me and He has always turned all the bad things into good. 

I recommend "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" to everyone! It's a life changing experience and eye opening. Thank you, Lord!


Rita RESTORED in Louisiana

My marriage is restored! I have renewed my mind to the principles God has in His Word for my life and relationships and have gained a heart of wisdom that I am sharing with other ladies that the Lord has and is bringing into my life. God has given me a heart for His Truth and a desire to know, live and speak that Truth. I remember how clueless I was before coming to this ministry and learning God's Truth concerning relationships, marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Not only did I find the truth that I was desperate for but I found the true Love of my life and I will never be the same. 

I'm recommending "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" to other women and telling them that God has a plan and purpose for their lives and marriage. I tell them how much damage I caused before the Lord led me to this ministry and I got a hold of God's Truth that changed my life. Also tell them that we get so much wrong information concerning relationships through our families, the media, movies, etc that it's no wonder the divorce and remarriage rate is so high. I tell them that wouldn't it be better to know God's will for your marriage and obey Him rather than allow the enemy to steal it right from under your nose along with your children. I encourage them to read the RYM book and find out God's will for their marriage and relationships. I tell them how it changed my life and how it will bless them too.




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