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Letitia in Georgia 

I would definitely recommend this book to every woman and man who are going through the process of restoration. Not only restoration for your marriage but restoration of your mind, soul and your body. It will be a life changing event to wholeness that will affect your family, your community and advance the Kindgom of God.


Karen, RESTORED in Tennesse 

I love WW. It has opened my eyes in so many ways. It has taught me what a fool I had been and how I single handedly destroyed my marriage, family, and the relationships there in. It taught me how to build my life on the Rock and the principles God wants me to follow. It taught me how to be the wife, mother, and woman God wants me to be, to be pleasing in His sight. Yes, I would recommend it to any woman and young lady. I would recommend they read it prior to getting married.


Karen in North Carolina

This book was and is very helpful. I find myself reading through the book again and again. Once is not enough to grasp it all. The Lord's Word is powerful. It corrects us and sets us on the right path to His blessings!


Felicia in Tennessee

Yes I would recommend this book to all women. I tell women now that this book is based on scripture and it points you straight to GOD. It also is what all women married and desiring to be married should have in their library . I was one who built my home on sinking sand and this book told me the absolute God truth.


Juanita in Tennessee
Yes, I would recommend this much need book. What I would say it built your house on what you know will stand against life ups and downs. If you don't know how to built your house, pick up this book and began reading. But don't just read it, apply it to your life, this is what is need for your house to stand when the storms comes, and the storms are going to come.


Tiffany in Canada
If I recommend A Wise Women I would say that we women having been living a lie and this book can straighten us out.


Nicci, RESTORED in United Kingdom

I would definitely recommend 'A wise woman' to other women. Although I don't have a copy of the book myself, the excepts taken from it for the courses that I am currently studying are very practical, easy to read and apply, enriching and life changing because they are built on Truth. The chapters are spiritually enhancing and impactful for every area of our lives as women and can only benefit to open your eyes to the Truth (Our Heavenly Love) so you can be free in Him.


Tame in Michigan

I would try keeping what I would say simple, to the point, and with respect to the person I am speaking with. Too many words get lost in translation.

I would recommend reading this book to open one's eyes to how they are living because a person is foolish who does not desire to seek how they can better themselves. People have too much pride and arrogance thinking they do not need self-improvement daily. So before thinking about the faults of another, seek first to see yourself through the eyes of Jesus and then the eyes of others. If a person is being honest humility will take root.


Valecia in Arizona
This resource is inspirational and life changing because it helps to transform you from the inside out.


Arminda in Mexico 

Por supuesto que recomiendo el libro de Mujer Sabia. Hay tremenda Sabiduria de Dios recopilada en ese libro que es util para cualquier mujer casada o no casada, porque es conocer el plan de Dios para nosotras por haber sido creadas mujeres y son los principios que deben regir nuestras vidas si queremos tener la vida abundante que Dios vino a darnos.


Of course I recommend the book Wise Woman. There is tremendous wisdom of God gathered in this book that is useful for any married or unmarried woman, because the plan is to know God created us for being women and are the principles that should govern our lives if we have the abundant life God came to us.





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