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Patricia in Costa Rica *Native language español

A Wise Woman: they are submissive, and especially subject to their husbands, that pleases God, all my problems was being a silly woman and today suffer the consequences. I need God's help to be subject and submissive to my husband. This is right with the Lord and obedient and that pleases God.

I thank God for allowing me to express my gratitude to all the people in this ministry. Thank you very much with all my heart because God uses them in a tremendous way and continue to be used for His glory. Thanks for the advice they give us, who are all clinging to the word of God. Thanks for sharing testimonies, one by one give faith and encourage us to continue and know that if God was generous, and fulfill requests for each of these people.

"En este dia doy gracias a Dios por permitirme expresar mi gratitud, hacia todas las personas que están en este ministerio, muchas gracias de todo corazón, porque Dios las usa de una manera tremenda, y las seguirá usando para la gloria de El, gracias por los consejos que nos dan, que van todos agarrados a la palabra de Dios, gracias por compartir los testimonios, uno a uno le dan fe y alientan a continuar y saber que si Dios, fue generoso, y cumplir las peticiones de cada una de estas personas...

Sean sumisas, y sobretodo sujetas a sus esposos, eso agrada a Dios, todos mis problemas fue por ser una mujer tonta, y hoy en día sufro las consecuencias, estoy tratando con la ayuda de Dios ser sujeta, y sumisa a mi esposo, aunque el no este bien con el Señor, eso es obediencia a Dios, y eso le agrada a Dios."


Elvia in Panama *Native language español

A Wise Woman made me see life from another perspective. The way that God designed us has been diluted and we women are now copying behaviors and performances of men. We laid siege in inappropriate behavior, but God formed us to be the helpmate of man. Not to put us on the same level of authority, but respecting the hierarchy that man has on us, giving his place as head of the family as a supplier, as a spiritual guide and us women to to be quiet, chaste and respectful. Leaving aside those things that were for the men, for we were not designed for it and bringing our tears at His feet. We need to educate our children with love, but disciplining them at the time right, all written in the word, because heaven and earth may pass but the Word of God endures forever, because he is the only truth.

"Mujer sabia me hizo ver la vida desde otra perspectiva, pues es diseño que realizo Dios para nosotras, se ha ido diluyendo y copiando las conductas y las actuaciones propias de los hombres, transgredimos los roles, nos sitiamos en conductas inadecuadas, y lo que busca el libro en hacer una radiografía de la mujer que Dios formo para ser la ayuda idónea del hombre, para colocarnos en nuestro nivel de autoridad, no como autoridad, sino respetando la jerarquía que tiene el hombre sobre nosotras, dándole su lugar como jefe de familia, como proveedor, como guía espiritual, siendo callada, castas, respetuosa, dejando de lado la contención y el bullicio, por no fuimos diseñadas para ello, llevándole nuestras lagrimas a sus pies, educando a nuestros hijos con amor, pero disciplinándolos en el momento adecuado, todo ello escrito en la palabra, porque el cielo y la tierra pasar&aacute ; pero la palabra de Dios perdura eternamente, porque él es el único fiel."


Almonte in Georgia *Native language español

Really I recommend this book and read it completely because it renews or changes all of our lives, our way of thinking and empty way of life.

"Realmente recomendaría este libro y que lo lean completo porque es una renovación o cambio todas de nuestra vida, forma de pensar y nuestra vana manera de vivir."


Susana in California *Native language español

I recommend this book. It has changed my way of thinking and has caused me to see that only God builds the house. And although my husband is at home and things remain cold and distant from us only my beloved Jesus has been able to keep up this house that I destroyed it with my own hands.

"Este libro lo recomiendo tanto por que me ha sacdo de la forma de pensar que yo tenia antes, me ha echo ver que solo Dios edifica la casa nadie mas. Y que aunque mi esposo esta en casa y las cosas siguen frias y distantes entre nosotros solo mi amado Jesus ha podido mantener en pie esta casa que yo destruy con mis propias manos."


Shelly in Arizona 

This book was the changing point in my life, I no longer feel alone and looking for direction, it gave me a great foundation to build on and will help me in everything I do in life, not just my marriage!

I don't even know where to start with this Thank You. I have wondered the wilderness for at least 2 years now, knowing that I was missing something (besides my EH!) but just not knowing what it was. I knew this divorce wasn't meant to be but didn't know any other way but the worldly way to stop it and of course it went through. After reading the How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage as well as A Wise Woman I now know that this all happened so that God could get a hold of me and change me! I have a long way to go but I now have a better foundation to start building on!

Please take the blessing of these books and vidoes that are being offered to you and open up your heart and mind for the renewing of your mind & teachings directly from God like you have never had before. These resources along with lots of prayer will guide you through this difficult time of your life and make you a women you never knew you could be! I came broken & confused but now feel God's presence in everything I do and have shed so much mental weight that I didn't even realize I was carrying. You worth more than rubies and deserve this opportunity in your life to find who your are in God's eyes.


Jeimy in Colombia *Native language español

To be wise, you have to be moldable and have an obedient heart like David and praise not act on emotions. If you do not shut up and wait on the Lord ... recognize He is the Lord ... everything will be lost.

Instead of acting like what we see in the world, focus on what we do not see with spiritual eyes ...looking every day more and more to the love that never fails, never lies, does not hurt, does not judge and is the love and beloved of our hearts and desires.

"Para ser sabia hay q ser obediente tener un corazon moldeable como el de David y de alabanza no actuar por emociones si no callar y esperar en el Señor ...reconoce q soy el Señor...
En lugar de actuar por lo q vemos en el mundo centrarnos en lo q no vemos ver con ojos espituales buscar cada dia mas y mas el amor q nunca falla nunca miente no lastima no juzga el amor del amado del deseado de nuestro corazon."


Mercedes in Colombia *Native language español

The book A Wise Woman Builds His House, a book that every Word is of God, which makes you change and reflect, to realize how far we need to go to do the will of God.

I wish I could have read this book when I was still young. I tell young women not yet married that it would be good to read this book before. Those who are married, I tell them it is a wonderful tool, as daughters of God and is very useful. I think if I had known before what I could learn from this book, I would not have made so many mistakes.

To whom God gives me the opportunity to share with this book I will and I would have the physical book, if I could get help would be greatly appreciated.

"El libro una Mujer Sabia Edifica Su Casa, es un libro con mucha Palabra de Dios, que te lleva a reflexionar a cambiar, a darte cuenta cuán lejos estas de hacer la voluntad de Dios.

Cuanto hubiese querido conocer este libro siendo aún niña, le digo a las mujeres jóvenes que aún no se han casado que bueno sería leerlo antes, y a aquellas que están casadas es una herramienta maravillosa, como hijas de Dios nos es muy útil. Yo creo que si hubiese sabido antes lo que he podido aprender con este libro no habría cometido tantos errores.

A quien Dios me dé la oportunidad de compartirle sobre este libro lo haré y me gustaría tener el libro en físico, si me pudiesen ayudar a conseguirlo agradecería enormemente."


Anna in Czech Republic/Česká republika *Native language slovenský

The book gave me hope that despite all the mistakes that I made, God can help me. He helped me realize the error and direct me what to do next. I recommend it.

"Kniha mi dala nádej, že aj napriek všetkým chybám, ktoré som urobila, Boh mi môže pomôcť. Pomohla mi, uvedomiť si chyby a nasmerovať ma čo robiť ďalej. Odporúčam ju."



Andy Kassova in Fr *Native language slovenský

I would definitely recommended follow through because he gives you inner peace and learn a lot from the Bible.

"Urcite by som vas odporucila lebo vďaka vám človek získa vnútorný pokoj a dozvie sa veľa nového z biblie."


Ziva RESTORED in Peru *Native language español

My first mistake as a foolish woman is that I did not give proper place to God in my household and it was not built on the rock and second I was a contentious woman and did not give the place my husband deserved and did not honor him because I had a rebellious spirit. Ask yourself if the Lord wants you to change Who's First in your life and what you put First in your life, Him?

"Mi primer error como una mujer necia no fue darle el verdadero lugar a Dios en mi hogar no construí sobre la roca firme y segundo era una mujer contenciosa no le daba el lugar a mi esposo y no me sometía porque tenía un espíritu rebelde, analiza que es lo que el Señor quiere que cambies tu primero en tu vida y lo has puesto en primer lugar en tu vida?"




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