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Alvarado in Costa Rica *Native language español

This book should read all women without exception because we would have a much more beautiful world if first obey God know every promise of the Lord for us, receive hands full blessings, educate our children to become men and women who do the will of God, treat people around us with love and respect that difference would world.

"Este libro lo deben de leer todas las mujeres sin excepción porque tendríamos un mundo mucho más hermosos, si primeramente obedecieramos a Dios conocer cada promesa del Señor para nosotras, recibir a manos llenas las bendiciones, educar a nuestros hijos para que lleguen a ser hombres y mujeres que hacen la voluntad de Dios, tratar a las personas a nuestro alrededor con amor y respeto que diferencia de mundo tendríamos."


Patricia in Argentina *Native language Español

I would recommend the book "A wise woman builds her house" for it is my guide and it will remain because it is like knowing bring the day to day through His Word.

"Yo recomendaria el libro "Una Mujer Sabia Edifica su Casa" fue y es mi guia y lo va a seguir siendo porque esta como saber llevar el dia a dia mediante SU PALABRA."


Encouraged in Florida

Thank you for helping me. I totally recommend the book, we are going to give an account for what we have done and we can't continue to fail the commandments of God. We need to look and see if the things we believe we are doing well, are we not destroying them little by little.

I thank God for sending me this site because it has been so much spiritual help, it has helped me to maintain and grow my faith, I have seen the power of God and I hope in His time not in mine.


Yesenia in Florida *Native language español

Thanks and blessings to those who have made this walk possible, to those who have helped to bring these resources full of blessings and comfort to others ...

Do not stop reading ... so many times we believe we know everything, have all the answers and we are so sure that we are acting correctly ... that is strong when you realize that it is not ...

Even my marriage is broken, but I have been able to find a peace that I did not have, it is true that sometimes I collapse because I am the part that loves, but God gives me the strength and tools to approach Him and not allow the enemy to enjoy with me pain.

Thank you Father for that unknown person for me that you used so that I arrived here.

"Gracias y bendiciones a quienes han hecho posible este caminar, a quienes han ayudado para q estos recursos lleguen llenos dw bendiciones y consuelo a las demás...

No dejen de leerlo...tantas veces creemos saberlo todo, tener todas las respuestas y estamos tan seguros q estamos actuando correctamente...que es fuerte cuando te das cuenta q no es asi...

Aún mi matrimonio esta roto, pero he podido encontrar una paz q no tenía, es cierto q a veces me derrumbo pq soy la parte q ama, pero Dios mw da las fuerzas y herramientas para acercarme a él y no permitir q el enemigo goce con mi dolor.

Gracias Padre por esa persona desconocida para mi q utilizaste para q yo llegara aqui."

It is an awesome resource to restore and go deeper with God ... without a doubt our life will never be the same if we take this journey seriously and let ourselves be shaped by God.

"Es un recurso impresionante para restaurar e ir más profundo con Dios... sin duda alguna nuestra vida no volverá a ser igual si tomamos en serio este viaje y nos dejamos moldear por Dios."


Milena in Colombia *Native language español

Review of the book Wise Woman (MS): It is very edifying and I recommend it because it teaches us so many things that we do not know how to explain it and, most importantly, we are taught to love God above all things and to have Him first in our lives.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful work you do with these ministry's and I in my despair saw my family or home destroyed and after reading countless books to solve everything was worse but one day I found the books and it was the most wonderful thing I could do with this smart phone, you do not know how much they helped me and today I am a new creature in Christ Jesus and who strengthens me. You helped me to be born again in Christ and to be a better woman, sister, mother and daughter. Thank you very much for your dedication and dedication in this wonderful work at the side of God our husband so that first of all we restore our lives first and then that of our homes a thousand and a thousand blessings to all in this ministry.

"Reseña del libro Mujer Sabia (MS): Es muy edificante y lo recomiendo por que nos enseña tantas cosas tantas que no c como explicarlo y lo mas importante nos enseñan amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas y a tenerlo a el primero en nuestras vidas.

Quiero agradecerles desde lo mas profundo de mi corazón por la obra tan maravillosa que hacen con este ministerios y yo en mi desespero de ver a mi familia u hogar destruido y después de leer infinidad de libros para solucionarlo todo iva peor pero un día los encontré y fue lo mas maravilloso que halla podido hacer con este teléfono inteligente no saben cuanto me ayudaron y hoy por hoy soy una nueva criatura en Cristo Jesús. cometido faltas si que me ha dado duro lo de ser sujeta si pero todo lo puedo en cristo que me fortalece y ustedes me ayudaron a nacer de nuevo en cristo y ser mejor mujer, hermana, mamá e hija gracias de verdad gracias por su dedicación y entrega en esta obra tan Maravillosa al lado de Dios nuestro esposo celestial para que primero que todo restauremos nuestras vidas primero y después la de nuestros hogares mil y mil bendiciones a todas en este ministerio."


NOEMI in Bolivia *Native language español

I was the fool who destroyed her house ... the fool who preferred man before God ... although before I did not know about God ... knowing Him is knowing His word, and I just said believe ... ignorance is damaging .... today start and show me chapter 1 to trust and find the Lord ... my heavenly husband ... I want to achieve it completely, stop seeing my ET who hurts me ...and God will do his work 

"yo fui la tonta que destruyo su necia que prefirio al hombre antes que a bien antes no conoci de Dios fue por que yomisma no me acerque...conocerlo es conocer su palabra,y yo solo decia ignorancia hace dañó....hoy inicie y me muestra el capitulo 1 a confiar y buscar al señor..mi esposocelestial...quiero lograrlo por completo, dejar de ver a mi ET quien me hace daño...y Dios hara su obra"


Maria in Colombia *Native language español

Thank you, a thousand blessings for all you have done, I know that God uses you in a great way. and in all this walking, I have learned a lot, it has not been easy but without you, this would have been crazy. I've learned so much as a wife, as a mother, as a woman. and I'm sure God allowed all this because He wanted to train me in all areas.

I bless you and I wish with all your Heart that God multiplies everything you do to you and to all generations

1. Please be based on what the word of God says. Not in human advice. God did everything perfectly.

2. We have the holy spirit as our comforter to intercede for us.

3. Whenever we do not know what to do or have any anguish, let us deliver the burdens to the Lord Jesus Christ.

let us always ask him wisdom before acting.

4. We must be humble to the word of God

5. Do not forget that God is first in everything

"MIl gracias, mil bendiciones por todo lo que han hecho, se que Dios las utiliza de gran manera. y en todo este caminar, he aprendido mucho, no ha sido fácil pero Sin ustedes esto habría sido una locura. aprendí demasiado como esposa, como madre, como mujer. y estoy segura que Dios permitió todo esto por que quería formarme en todas las areas.

Las bendigo y deseo de todo Corazón que Dios les multiplique todo lo que hacen a ustedes y a todas las generaciones

1. Por favor basarse en lo que dice la palabra de Dios. No en los consejos humanos. Dios todo lo hizo a la perfección.

2. Tenemos al espiritu santo como nuestro consolador quien intersede por nosotros.

3. Siempre que no sepamos que hacer o tengamos alguna angustia, entreguemos las cargas al señor Jesucristo.

pidamosle siempre sabiduria antes de actuar.

4. Debemos ser humildes a la palabra de Dios

5. No olvidarnos que Dios es primero en todo"


Heather in Australia

I was a fool who built my house on sinking sand and I never knew it. I thought I was a great christian wife and mother, but fumbled blindly along doing what I pleased when I pleased. That is until disaster struck! Like most women, when disaster strikes we seek to find out the reason why. God led me here, and revealed to me the truth. The truth of what a fool I had been.


Juanita in Texas

Yes, I would recommend this. Build your house on what you know will stand against life's ups and downs. If you don't know how to build your house, pick up this book and begin reading. But don't just read it, apply it to your life, this is what is needed for your house to stand when the storms come, and the storms are going to come.


Mariana in Mexico *Native language español

Yes, I would definitely recommend it, it is a book which has opened my eyes to the truth, it is clear and specific in each chapter, for me it is complete and it makes us see what my Lord wants and expects from each one of us, which is our true place as wives, or women, the word of my beloved Lord is perfect, there is nothing in which we should doubt, if He has said it is because it must be fulfilled, this book is very complete on the teachings of my Lord, His word is very clear, through this book we can learn its truth and at the same time apply what we have learned as far as possible. Thank you, my Father, for the life of the people who have made it possible for us to learn and understand more of your word through this book.

"Si, definitivamente lo recomendaría, es un libro el cual me ha abierto los ojos a la verdad, están claro y especifico en cada capitulo, para mi es completo y nos hace ver que es lo que mi Señor quiere y espera de cada una de nosotras, cual es nuestro verdadero lugar como esposas, o mujeres, la palabra de mi Señor amado es perfecta, no hay nada en lo debamos poner en duda, si el lo ha dicho es por que así se debe de cumplir, este libro es muy completo sobre las enseñanzas de mi Señor, es muy clara su palabra, por medio de este libro podemos aprender su verdad y al mismo tiempo aplicar lo aprendido en la medida de lo posible. Gracias padre mío por la vida de las personas que han echo posible que por medio de este libro aprendamos y entendamos mas de tu palabra."




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