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María in Texas *Native language español

I would highly recommend A Wise Woman Builds Her House, By A Fool Who Built It First On The Sand. I invite you to give God the opportunity, that through whom He was already in your position I spoke to you and let you help so that your restoration is quicker because you will avoid many headaches if you apply the knowledge through the experience of someone who has already passed by. May you open your mind and your heart and allow God to help you to be that wise woman, so that you can build your house on the Rock based on the principles that she has already applied to her personal life.

"Altamente quiero recomendar Una mujer sabia construye su casa, por una tonta que la construyó primero en la arena. Yo te invito s que le des la oportunidad a Dios, de que por medio de quién ya estuvo en tu posición te hable y te dejes ayudar para que tu restauración sea más pronta porque te evitarás muchos dolores de cabeza si aplicas el conocimiento através de la experiencia de quien ya pasó por ahï, y que no sólo te lo dice por ocupar un espacio porque se quiera sentir importante. Que abras tu mente y tu corazón y permitas que Dios te ayude a ser esa mujer sabia, para que puedas edificar tu casa en la Roca basados en los principios que ella ya aplicó a su vida personal."


Catalina in Honduras

I loved this book because this was one of the very first ones He led me to and the one that made me realize how wrong I had been, leading me to also become a wiser woman for His glory! I am so grateful for Erin and all the wisdom He gave her to write this for all of us who perished for a lack of knowledge. It was through His word that this book was inspired and I will always recommend to any woman I meet.


Veronica RESTORED in Missouri

Just the other days I ran into Erin Thilele's daughter. I was hoping to find the class I took at JRA and submit a review because it changed my life. My marriage has been restored for more than 15 years thanks to what Erin taught in her class. I know it touched so many other families too not just mine. Can't recommend it enough and hoping to see it available soon so I can send everyone I know to watch it.


Lorena in New Jersey

Wonderful book... helped me understand the power of God to do what's impossible.


Connie in Canada

This book is very good. It helped solidify the principles and scriptures I learned in the RYM book.

This book has impacted my life at home as a mother by being more submissive to the Lord, with my words and actions. This book has impacted me hugely at my job, where I am an office manager, coach over 35 women ranging in all ages. I am different now, respecting God's purpose for women in the home and am following God's lead. 

I pray differently for my children now, especially my daughter, who I raised to be as stubborn and independent as I was, thinking it is the only way to war against uncaring, abusive men.

I have a lot of work to undo the teachings I taught her regarding submissiveness. I didn't understand it at all before this book, but now I do.

My son, I have taught him to be a good man, I guess because i felt so wronged by his father. I know my anger and sin will have its negative effects on him as well and I pray for guidance on how to undo what I have done there as well.

The book is good for young women, married women, widowed women and most certainly women who are looking to restore their relationships with the Lord, their husbands, their children, or anyone.


Elizabeth in Oregon

This book is so amazing. No matter how I am feeling when I open this book I find new strength in God. I wish I would have had this book when I was first married. However, it is never too late to become a wise woman in Christ.


Mayra in Colombia

This book is a benediction.


Luciana in Brasil

I need to learn about it. I want to change.

"Eu preciso aprender sobre isso. Quero mudar."


Carolina in Ecuador *Native language español

The foundations that I believe that every woman regardless of their marital status should know, many disasters would be avoided in families that the core is the love of God and is lived out. Love and intimacy with our Beloved treasure should be produced in each human being. What is Jesus?

For as women not only do we know the call that our Beloved has for us to send us to this world as women but also as a powerful weapon of understanding to minister to women younger than one to walk the path of truth, and with our lives profess the gospel as a direct letter from God through our way of living, thinking and even more for the fruits we can reap.

"Los fundamentos que creo que toda mujer sin importar su estado civil debe conocer, se evitarían muchos desastres en las familias que es el núcleo donde se vive el amor de Dios y donde se debe producir en cada ser humano el amor e intimidad con nuestro amado tesoro que es Jesus.

Para como mujeres no solo conocer el llamado que nuestro amado tiene para nostras al enviarnos a este mundo como mujeres sino ademas como una poderosa arma de entendimiento para ministrar a mujeres mas jóvenes que una a transitar por el camino de la verdad, y con nuestras vidas profesar el evangelio como una carta directa de Dios por medio de nuestra forma de vivir, pensar y mas aun por los frutos que podamos cosechar."


Monserrat in Mexico *Native language español

Since I read how GOD CAN AND IS GOING TO RESTORE YOUR MARRIAGE, it was a great revelation, I realized that I propitiate the destruction of my home, so it was putting dike by dike, I left my CRISIS.

When reading a wise woman, it was as if the Lord commanded ANGELES to help me to rebuild myself, my family and especially my home.

The first course was the seed that planted my EC and the second was the compost, the rain, the blessing of GOD, it is WONDERFUL, as I see everything from another perspective, it is wonderful the FAITH, which I asked so much is immense, I can give MY FAITH to another person, and I have been to give words of encouragement, a woman knew how to untie the WOMAN that God created, and in my foolishness I walked away, not only from the dream of God but from his protection and his love.

"Desde que lei como DIOS PUEDE Y VA A RESTAURAR TU MATRIMONIO, fue una gran revelación, me di cuenta que yo misma propicie la destrucción de mi hogar, así que fue poniendo dique por dique, sali de mi CRISIS.

Al leer una mujer sabia, fue como si el señor mandara ANGELES para ayudarme para reconstruirme, mi familia y sobre todo mi hogar.

El primer curso fue la semilla que plantó mi E.C y el segundo fue el abono, la lluvia, la bendición de DIOS, es MARAVILLOSO, como veo todo desde otra perspectiva, es maravilloso la FE, que tanto pedí es inmensa, puedo dar MI FE a otra persona, y he estado para dar palabras de ánimo, una mujer sabía terminó de desatar a la MUJER que Dios creó, y yo en mi necedad me alejé, no solo del sueño de Dios sino de su protección y de su amor."




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