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Johanna Costa Rica *Native language español

Wise Woman came to tear my old Johanna and made reborn a Johanna able to bend knees, meditate on the word and believe a living God, just and above all a God who fulfills the promises of our heart.

"Mujer Sabia llegó a despedazar mi Johanna vieja e hizo renacer una Johanna capaz de doblar rodillas, meditar en la palabra y creerle a un Dios vivo, justo y sobre todo un Dios que cumple las promesas de nuestro corazón."


Alejandrina in Nicaragua

This book is an example of what women are, I would recommend reading it many times so we can find the balance we need to be a wise woman and build our home on the biblical basis. We women are always talking, this book would help you limit your words and sensitize your heart to find peace in a home full of love and spiritual light, this book takes you on the way to intimacy with the Lord Jesus, find a true and genuine love that only God can give us. I invite you to build a house full of wisdom and I assure you that God is waiting for you to begin that new path.

"Este libro es un ejemplo de lo que somos las mujeres, yo recomendaría leerlo muchas veces para que podamos encontrar ese equilibrio que necesitamos para ser una mujer sabia y que construyamos nuestro hogar en las bases bíblicas. Nosotras las mujeres siempre estamos hablando, este libro le ayudaría a limitar sus palabras y sensibilizar su corazón para encontrar la paz en un hogar lleno de amor y de luz espiritual, este libro te lleva por el camino hacia la intimidad con el Señor Jesús, encontrar un amor verdadero y genuino que solo Dios nos puede regalar. Te invito que construyas una casa llena de sabiduría y te aseguro que Dios está esperando por ti para comenzar ese nuevo camino."


Rossana in Londres

I've talked to some women about the book; telling them It is an authentic reconstruction as a woman, in Christ. Through this book, you know all the foundations that are in the word of God for you to build your house on the rock, which is Christ. If you have built them on quicksand; do not worry, there is still hope. Read the book; do the lessons and look for the Lord who is our sweet love.

"Le he hablado a algunas mujeres sobre el libro; diciendoles. Es una autentica reconstruccion como mujer, en Cristo. A traves de este libro, conoces todos los fundamentos que hay en la palabra de Dios para que construyas tu casa sobre la roca, que es Cristo. Si las has construido sobre arena movediza; no te angusties aun hay esperanza. Lee el libro; has las lecciones y busca al Señor que es nuestro dulce amor."


Karen in Costa Rica

This book opened my eyes and made me see a harsh and regrettable reality of my condition. I could see how much I had failed as a wife and woman and understand why many things happened. I recommend this book to all women, whether or not they have problems in their marriage, even to single women, because it is important to spread the word about what the Bible says about being a wife, about being a virtuous woman. Each teaching is engraved in my heart, I want the great opportunity to recover my marriage to correct my bad attitudes, I pray my Heavenly Father to give me the opportunity to be that wife according to the design of his Word. I made many mistakes but the worst of them would be not to put into practice what I have learned because before it was due to ignorance and negligence, now it would be for foolishness. I pray to God that this book can reach more women for the Glory of our Lord.

"Este libro abrió mis ojos y me hizo ver una realidad dura y lamentable de mi condición. Pude ver cuánto había fallado como esposa y mujer y entender el porqué muchas cosas sucedieron. Recomiendo este libro a todas las mujeres, tengan o no problemas en su matrimonio, incluso a las solteras, porque es importante que se corra la voz sobre lo que dice la Biblia acerca de ser una esposa, a cerca de ser una mujer virtuosa.Cada enseñanza queda grabada en mi corazón, deseo la grandiosa oportunidad de recuperar mi matrimonio para corregir mis malas actitudes, ruego a mi Padre Celestial para que me de la oportunidad de ser esa esposa según el diseño de su Palabra.Cometí muchos errores pero el peor de ellos sería no poner en práctica lo que he aprendido porque antes por fue por desconocimiento y negligencia, ahora sería por necedad. Ruego a Dios que este libro pueda llegar a mas mujeres para la Gloria de nuestro Señor."


Rosa in El salvador

If I would recommend it, becoming a wise woman I would believe in some of the purposes of the Lord, to be able to ground our families on the rock of his word, and to obtain the knowledge to be able to help other women, to comfort those who the Lord dispose on our way, and look for him as the center of our life

"Si lo recomendaría, convertirnos en una mujer sabia creería yo en unos los propósitos del Señor, para poder fundamentar a nuestras familias sobre la roca de su palabra, y para obtener el conocimiento para poder ayudar a otras mujeres, para consolar a aquellos que el Señor disponga en nuestro camino, y buscar de el como el centro de nuestra vida"


Yohali in Venezuela

I recommend this book of a wise woman has been great and wonderful what you can discover about his word and if you are like I was perishing for lack of knowledge because here you will find knowledge of God through his word

"Recomiendo este libro de una mujer sabia ha sido genial y maravilloso lo que puedes descubrir respecto a su palabra y si estas como yo estaba pereciendo por falta de conocimiento pues aquí encontraras conocimiento de Dios a través de su palabra"


Carole in Florida

Yes I recommend. Isn't what brought us all here? We are all very good at breaking down our houses at least I know I was ..but I am not good at rebuilding alone . Thank goodness for my Heavenly blessing..without Him I easily fall apart ...I stay really close to Him and feel safe..


Miroslaba in Costa Rica

It is an excellent tool that God put in my way.

"Es una excelente herramienta que Dios puso en mi camino."


Mayra in Puerto Rico

To you woman that you read to me, I would tell you to keep looking at her word, to take space to look at everything around you and marvel at all her creation. In the road with our beloved you will see that you are building. I invite you to continue building together!

"A ti mujer que me lees, te diria que sigas buscando en su palabra, que tomes espacios para mirar todo a tu alrededor y maravillate de toda su creacion. En el camiinar junto a nuestro amado veras que estas construyendo. Te invito a que sigamos construyendo juntas!!"


Leidy in Peru

This book of Wise Woman I know is very helpful because even though I want to be that woman in love with my heavenly husband Jesus I also want to be that godly woman with soft and gentle spirit that is precious to the eyes of God should be that woman who builds her house on the rock or is a fool and Who Builds my home on quicksand now that I knew the love of my life to my heavenly husband I know that with Him I can do everything and nothing will be missing.

"Este libro de mujer sabia sé qué va a ser de mucha ayuda pues a pesar de que quiero ser esa novia enamorada de mi esposo celestial Jesús también quiero ser esa mujer piadosa con espíritu suave y apacible que es precioso para los ojos de Dios debe ser esa mujer que construye su casa sobre la roca o sea una tonta y Messi al Construir mi hogar sobre arena movediza ahora que conocí al amor de mi vida a mi esposo celestial sé que con él todo lo puedo y nada me faltará"


Veronica RESTORED in Missouri

Just the other days I ran into Erin Thieles daughter. I was hoping to find the class I took at JRA and submit a review because it changed my life. My marriage has been restored for more than 15 years thanks to what Erin taught in her class. I know it touched so many other families too not just mine. Can't recommend it enough and hoping to see it available soon so I can send everyone I know to watch it.




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