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Charles in Indiana

It was a guide as to what really matters. We as people, can't do anything to save our marriage, a very humbling experience. It is only through Grace of God and following his law that we can change ourselves and be seen by our spouse through different eyes as long as we pray for them as well. The biggest point I have applied is that fear is not from God. Everytime, I get scared and think about what my wife is doing, I mentally take control of that thought and squash it by saying, fear doesn't come from god but satan and than I let it go.


Anthony in Hong Kong

This book has brought deep conviction and realisation. My marriage has been so damaged by my pride and rebeliousness against God. My heart has become hard. I have tried to manage my own life and this has only brought pain, destruction and frustration. Not only to me, but to so many people that I have hurt and treated shamefully. I have dishonored friends, family and parents through my words and actions. I have squashed my wife with painful words and a selfish attitude. I have let my family fall apart. I praise God for leading me into this time of crisis, for bringing me to my knees. I turn my focus wholly to Jesus, and I choose to knock on the door of healing. Thank you Jesus for your loving discipline!


Mateus in Brazil

Hope! Briefly this is what this book did for me.I filled my heart with hope and showed me what the Bible says about marriage, how I acted wrongly in my marriage, how much I messed up. He showed me how much I did not have a crisis in my marriage, but in my spiritual life and how God had to act to save me and my wife! Glorify God because today he showed me the way, where love of the Father is above all and how powerful God is able to do the impossible in my marriage! Hallelujah!


Jess in Philippines

It helped and still helping me realize and see the sins in me. The mistakes I committed in my marriage.


Russell in Canada

What an amazing book. This book opened my eyes to see what I need to do in order to allow God to fix and heal me and then let me move on but only because of Him. So many of the chapters showed me things I was doing that were against what God has wanted me to be. As a husband and spiritual leader. So many things I was not doing or willing to listen and even change. It took Gods discipline to get my attention.


Jason in California

It has helped me understand God comes first, without Him first in my life nothing else will succeed with his blessings. I cannot live treacherously against my wife and hope for a Godly marriage.


John in Arkansas

The video encouraged me to keep on going. Thanks for these resources


Edgar in Colombia



Christian in California

I was lost, desperate and searching for answers and some glimpse of hope that my desire to heal and restore our marriage was not foolish or hopeless. There's lots of insightful words of encouragement! Also, the WOTT book has many testimonies of other men that help encourage by showing that my situation was not strange or bizarre.


Jamerson in Brazil

I just have to thank God for giving me this opportunity to find this ministry! I have already recommended it, and passed it along to many men and hope it helps many couples like it's helped us.

Hard to believe but one of my pastors who'd helped me in other areas of my life told me to go out and find another wife because my wife would be "very expensive" is the term he used (because I would have to seek the restoration of my marriage and she could be with someone else too enjoying her life!) He advised me to go to seek another woman, and I accepted this without knowing the truth. Praise God I realized right away this was not what I wanted, and unexpectedly found help, help me restore my marriage!! That's why I thank God I found this ministry and your studies because now everything you've given me has brought me great joy. Thank you very much for feeding me all this!!

Thank God for you. I love you for the great truth having put all this into my hands. I praise you Lord. And thank you all for this!




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