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Be Encouraged Video Series
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Soon after Erin's book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage was published, she began getting letters and emails from women around the world who wanted to know how to LIVE the principles in her book. Unable to keep up with the correspondence, her oldest son suggested she sit in her office and turn on a camera.
Erin spoke right to the camera's lens that was sitting in front of her desk so she could picture the many women she would like to talk to personally.
Erin began sharing everything she went through, sharing dozens of personal stories that brought the principles in both her books, How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and A Wise Woman to life!
After an hour, when the first tape ran out, her son put in a second, then a third, and then a fourth—SIX HOURS and six tapes later, Erin finished her first "Be Encouraged" video series. The series that would result in MOST of the RESTORED marriages found in By the Word of Their Testimony.
A few years later the first "Be Encouraged CLASSIC" series began experiencing horrible sound issues. That's when Erin was asked to redo her best selling BeE videos.
Everyone told Erin, and Erin told herself, that it would be impossible to duplicate the power of her original series, but she knew WITH God nothing was impossible!
Erin says, "I just emptied myself out and determined to have NO plan at all. What the Lord did through me was incredible! I could actually FEEL Him speaking and taking over. Even after HOURS of filming, I felt energized and in awe of what I heard myself saying—I have NEVER experienced anything like it before!
"Then later, once I watched them, I realized that in the BeE CLASSIC series it was ME sharing MY heart; but this time it is HIM sharing HIS heart with women who needed to hear HIM! AND this time He also included speaking to the MEN.
"Before I began filming, I specifically asked Him to speak His message that would result in MORE restored marriages—a restored marriage for everyone who listened to them with an open heart. And I know the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered the prayers of so many women who were praying for me!"
Erin was right, just a few months later women began writing to RMI, singing the praises of these new "Be Encouraged" videos that brought "understanding, guidance and peace that resulted in their marriages being restored"!
Then, years later, after witnessing the fruit of this new "Be Encouraged" series, RMI was flooded with enough RESTORED marriages to fill four more books—and then miraculously the original master tapes were discovered and the sound on the "Be Encouraged CLASSIC" was perfect!
Erin says that God wanted simply to have HIS say in the second series, after she shared her personal testimony in the first series!!
*Watch God RESTORE your marriage by listening to BOTH of these POWERFUL messages!
Each video tape is approximately 1 hour long or 6 FULL hours of the LORD speaking directly to YOU.
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I love that Erin broke down the phases of restoration and explained in clarity what needs to be happen before getting to the next stage. For me it's relatable because I remember being told again and again "I don't love you any more" etc. and I could not understand why EH kept on repeating himself. Now I get it - it's because he saw that I was not letting go and he was trying to make a point by making me understand. I am now just trying to seek the Lord and focusing on him and it really helps me to let go. Thank you Erin for this informative video!
Firstly I would like to thank the Lord for Using Erin to reach out and help women who are hurting and have broken hearts. Thank you Erin for sharing your love and your heart. I am so blessed with the video, and I learn a lesson from it. The video also encouraged me not only to obey principles but to God as well, Thank you and God bless.
What blessed my heart in the video was, when Erin said '' How God wants us to look at things that are not unseen. She quoted from the scripture in Roman 4 verse 18, Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” This scripture play a huge part of encouragement in my heart when I was watching the video. To be honest, I was a little bit down when I get home today, it was just a question that came to mind, why isn't my husband been visiting me like he usually does every week.
But as soon as I got home, there was a feeling in my heart to watch the video and the first book of the Bible quoted by Erin is Hebrew 11 v 1, Eyes of Faith, which motivated me to read and meditate on the Word of God. All the answers to my questions are found in His Word.
And what Erin was sharing in her video, these are all the things that I saw in my husband, when he visits home. Of him pretending that he is a happy person but he is not.
The other thing that blessed my heart is the story of Abraham, how he remain and believed that God is going to work on his situation as He promised. And God was very pleased with Abraham because of his faith, and as for me, I must walk with the Lord with the faith because if there is no faith in me, God never pleases me.
I am so blessed and motivated, thank you Erin for sharing your love and your heart. Bless you and your family abundantly.
I am beyond thankful for this ministry and all of the resources provided. I most importantly want to thank RMI for creating the Be Encouraged Video Series. Erin’s testimony and help in leading us to God’s principles is priceless. She has helped lead me to wanting and having a relationship with the Lord. Her voice is so calming and encouraging. She truly is an inspiration to all of us women who were and are desperate for help. I do not know where I would be without these videos and books. Thank you for paving a path for us to follow! I can’t wait to share these videos with other women and use what I’ve learned to help my own daughters. Thank you so much!!
anyone have any videos that they don’t watch anymore? I’ve only seen the ones that are part of the lessons. 🖤
Hi dear Rasa, those are the only ones we have.