★★★★★ Reviews
Be Encouraged CLASSIC: Video Series
Sheila in Florida
Well it was great. He has opened my eyes, to just rely completely in Him for everything, what a great video. Thank you for such encouragement. Thank you
Sasha in Trinidad and Tobago
Update: Sasha RESTORED in Trinidad and Tobago
This video was excellent and just in time. All of the things that Erin spoke about concerning intimacy and divorce is what I am going through presently and I know that you my love answered me through Erin. I was wondering for a while whether or not I should inform my husband that if we get divorce, then we can no longer be intimate but the scripture, "Even a foolish man is condisered wise when he keeps silent", kept coming into my mind. Well this video confirmed that I just need to be still and wait on you my HH. Thank you so much Jesus for the ministry and for your love in always answering me.
Orien in Indonesia
This video inspired me especially in my situation. Thank you erin you taught me how i should be a godly women.
After watched this video I promise to myself to keep a good attitude. And will asking God allow to change me to be a new women.
Mayela in Texas
I loved it. It made me realize I need to just let my husband go, even if it's not what I want, and not how I feel. I'll let him go and do whatever he want. I don't want to proceed with the divorce, BUT if that's what he wants, then he can file, and I'll agree, but since I filed, I'll be dismissing the case, and following what God wants. Thank you, this was an encouragement that I needed.
Raquel in Brazil
That was a really good encouragement. I tell God everyday to change me, to fill me with His holy spirit, it's all what i need. Jesus be with me, i need you. i belive that God can use my future testimony to encourage others, God here I am to be used by You.
Thanks Jesus for all what You have done in life so far, and God i know that the best is coming, was Your promise and i believe in it.
Rebellious this I was. When my husband took the divorce papers, throw me out of home and sent me back to Brazil, and because of no money and still not job, i am living with my mom. My mom, i remember she was used to say that i was always very rebellious 🙁 that's so sad, I mean, I feel shame because of that. I already had during this time here with my mom that we argument and she said the same thing over and over. This video opened my eyes for that. That I really still rebels, i must to be more humble. Jesus i recognise my sin, please forgive me and purify my sin with Your blood, i don't want to be anymore rebellious. God be with me and teach me how to walk with You, Jesus give the humble heart as Yours. And thanks for all, because You God are showing me everyday something new. In the name of Your son don't give up on me, but keeping paciently teaching me. I want to serve You with my heart and actitudes. Amem.
I am so glad to be part of this ministry. Erin God bless you every single day more and more.
On these video the fases of restoration journey, God spoke a lot with me, I am so happy because was You God who lead me to this ministry when everything was without hope to me. You're my hope, my God, my everything. Also "Let him go" a very important principle.
Simply as that...Everything is possible to God the Creator of the universe. God is simply so perfect and good.
All the principles are important to learn and keep it inside our hearts. I am in the season of fall/winter in my restoration, there is distance, not contact , and I know that isn't time to contact or anything else, i am not prepare yet. Sisters I prayed to God asking Him to change me all, heart, thoughts and behaviours before He bring my husband to even contact me, i really don't wanna behaviour or feel as my old me, i want to be transformed by God hands and i'm pretty sure that He wants the same thing. But i have faith that the spring/summer is coming very soon on His time, and it will be much better than ever was, because He promised me that -->
Ageu 2:9
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.
I am so glad and happy because God guide me to this ministry, even in the middle of trouble in my life I can see He doing the work little by little and honestly God really knows what to do, He knew that crise in my life was the only way to drag my attention to Him, He wants me only for Him. Well the subject of this video was really important, sometimes I catch myself thinking about that, and feeling fear of what will happen and how it all will be after restoration. But trying always when it happens I pray to Him and give all my thoughts to Him to work and give me peace, the peace that devil always want to steal from me, but God fortunately He is with me and this is all what I need.
Thank you God to use Erin to give as the encouragement and the knowledge about Your principles and willings.
Erin thanks and ladies let's all of us keep encouraged.
Cinthya in Guatemala
I love that it actually spoke to me. God is so good that when i need something and i don't know which way to go He makes sure i know the right direction. Praise The Lord!!! this was just what i needed. It was really encouraging and i just can't thank God enough for there videos and ministry
I think this is really what i needed. This one video particularly encouraged me because some times i do get tired and sometimes i do have many people around me telling me where to go or how to walk this path and this video reminded me of how great it is to just listen to the Lord even when our circumstances call for wordly advice or when there is no hope. He is always faithful and i only need to trust and seek only Him, sometimes it is difficult but He has put His Word and this videos to lift me up again.
Also, I found this video very helpful and clear about the things we must do in order to save ourselves a lot of pain such as letting go and not standing in the way of the wicked etc. I think Erin really has a heart for hurting women and I could feel her love through this video and it is such a confort to know that God loved us enough to have sent her ahead of us and to have her share the truth with us. Though my marriage is not my priority right now I think is always helpful to be reminded of the things we shouldn't do and why it is important that we let go and find our Lord as something more than our Savior.
I just really liked how in this video I could feel the love Erin has for us and that she really cared for us as her audience. I could feel her kind of pleading with us to follow the principles in the book since this would not only mean a restored marriage but also, that we would be pleasing the Lord which is paramount to our lives. I think He really wants us to obey Him in everything and not just in some things because He really cares and wants us to have the very best always. Right now, in my life I've had to forgive a lot and it's been getting harder and harder to do, but this video reminded me that I am not the one to do it, God does it for me and I could be just a channel for forgiveness. I received so much in this video, I refreshed the knowledge that I had when I read the RYM book but that I was sort of forgetting or not applying anymore. I don't know what I'd do if God hadn't led me to this ministry and these vide os, they have become such encouragement tools for me it's nuts!
Denise in South Africa
Erin explains that I shouldn't feel bad because it is He that has removed me from my husband .And He is the one that will return him to me .Also that God will not restore if I act like Pharisee .She also explained that our husbands are our spiritual leaders no matter if or if they aren't Christians .Our protection is our husbands . Only God has the power to move our husbands but it has to be done through our prayers .
I learned that I should not befriend the OW in any way acting like I'm more "righteous" than she .I should not slander my husband in any way lest in gets back to him .Satan is a deceiver and will use any means to get me to do things that are not even called by God . Seek God if we feel uncertain about a certain thing .Even if our husbands cannot see what we are doing we need to be as in my case submissive to my mother . To honour her . I need to repent form my rebellion as a child I used to be rebellious . I thank Erin for revealing these things to me through our God .
I was reminded how I should not argue with anyone .I should portray a gentle and quiet spirit. I want to start to look differently to being the haughty person that I used to be. If I do have pride it has to be pulled out of me.To be and stay humble. Also that attitude is important what type of attitude I have towards certain things. I have to have a good attitude. I also need to know when to keep my mouth shut.As my tongue will destroy me. Being haughty is really bad , to think and act as if I am better then someone else .
Ana in Minas Gerais
Eu vi que tudo q a Erin fazia antes de ter o contato profundo com Deus as coisas só pioravam.Depois que ela passou a escutar o que Deus estava falando pra ela e seguir com o que Ele pedia as coisas começaram a ir mudando.
Kim in Texas
Always encouraging and informative. Erin puts a listener at ease with backing everything with scripture. Thanks for taking the time to make all of the materials available!
Shayla in Louisiana
Eye opening and awesome information. Erin you really opened my eyes to see scriptures in a different context to how I personally interpreted through reading the bible and how others had used it to justify my situation. I feel at peace and know even more about the importance of letting go not just in action, but in speech and mindset. Speaking from where I'm at now, ladies please change before its too late. If you have the opportunity to let go before divorce Do It..
These videos are a reinforcement of principles grounded in the word. Thank you again RMI for opening my eyes of understanding God's word with plainness during this Restoration Journey. Erin really allowed the lord to lead her in answering many questions that came up and were confirmed for me this week. Each thought was backed by the word of God. So I know it's the truth. I have written down all the scriptures to review tonight during my prayer time.
Yes, renew your mind. This is what I struggled with on this journey. Thoughts casting down those imaginations contrary to the word. This video was right on time to encourage me in this area. Equip me on how to fight in the spirit and get closer to God. He alone is the source of our help. Thanks for the continuous encouragement here at RMI. Thank you