★★★★★ Reviews
Be Encouraged: Video Series
Arminda in Mexico
Update: Arminda RESTORED in Mexico
No cabe duda de que Dios esta usando poderosamente a esta mujer, quien habla con propiedad y sabe de lo que esta hablando, porque ha estado ahi. Dios estuvo siempre con ella en su desierto y le dio la victoria sobre el enemigo. Ojala podamos tener ese mismo corazon que ella, para someternos a su pabra, y asi de igual manera nos encontraremos con que hemos ganado mucho mas de lo que podamos haber perdido. El amor de uestras vidas.
There is no doubt that God is using mightily to this woman, who speaks with property and knows what he is talking about because he has been there. God always was with her in the desert and gave him the victory over the enemy. Hopefully we can have that same heart that she, to submit to his PABRA, and so likewise we will find that we have gained much more than what we have lost. Love ur lives.
Otina in Michigan
The phases of letting go and restoration was amazing it opened my eyes to watch was going on so I know where I am in the phase.
Hecxa in Puerto Rico
Escuchar estos videos han traido mayor entendimiento, han aclarado muchas inquietudes y dudas que habían surgido. Pude aprender cuáles son algunas de las cosas que pueden estar atrasando mi caminar. Dios ha usado grandemente a Erin para mostrarnos, através de su propia experiencia, cómo poder restaurar nuestros matrimonios. Sinceramente llegué aquí en desesperación tratando de encontrar respuestas y ayuda para restaurar mi matrimonio. Pero mientras continuaba caminando encontré mucho más... He encontrado al amor de mi vida, una relación íntima y profunda con mi Amado EC. No tengo palabras para expresar lo contenta, emocionada y agradecida por cada uno de estos cursos, videos, libros y demás material que me han ayudado a encontrar la VERDAD y encontrar una relación tan profunda con mi Amado. Gracias Erin, Dios te ha usado maravillosamente. Eres un gran in strumento del Señor. Gracias a todos los que colaboran y nos han ayudado. Un abrazo fuerte. Gracias!!!!!
Listen these videos have had more understanding, they have clarified many concerns and doubts that had arisen. I could learn what are some of the things that may be delaying my walk. God has greatly used to Erin to show, through his own experience, how to restore our marriages. Honestly I came here in despair trying to find answers and help to restore my marriage. But as he continued walking found much more ... I found the love of my life, an intimate and profound relationship with my Beloved EC. I have no words to express how happy, excited and grateful for each of these courses, videos, books and other materials that have helped me find the truth and find such a deep relationship with my Beloved. Thanks Erin, God has used you wonderfully. You're a great in strumento the Lord. Thanks to all who work and have helped us. A big hug. Thank you!!!!!
Mary in California
Thank you for the video! All the glory to you God thank you! I related to a lot of the things that was said on the video... Several of the things that were mentioned in the video have happened to me already! All I want is to think God for everything he's done so far in my life! Bless the Lord! Even though my marriage has not been restored yet I don't have as much pain anymore because I have found God.
Cinthya in Guatemala
I always love watching these videos since i really feel that Erin is talking to me and that i always get encouraged. Praise God these videos exist sometimes they are the only thing that keeps me hoping for my restoration since i am so happy with my HH now !!!
The part where Erins talks about unconfessed sin really spoke to me since i had tried to keep my infidelity hidden. However the Lord really confirmed what I had to do and when I did He moved and allowed my FH to forgive me and he even ended up our conversation by offering me his friendship which was something that i never even thought i could have PTL!!!.
Also, i loved the part about the rings, i made the mistake to never wear them and i will always regret that but it was good to be convicted for it and will make sure to share it with other women as well so they don't make the same mistake.
Once again i come to learn a lot more. i could grow abit more in my walk and i just want what Erin says we can have which is that peace in the Lord and i still need to conquer fear because it is so great sometimes and i need to seek God about it sice it is an important thing in restoration.
Also it was really encouraging to know that not only for my own sake am i going through this journey. But also for the rest of my family and my children due to generations of marriage destruction.
Andreina in Venezuela
Dios quita de nuestro lado a nuestro esposo por una razón y por un tiempo determinado que Él ha considerado para nuestro bien. No debemos ser piedra de tropiezo a los planes de Dios para nuestras vidas. Lo mas sano es dejar ir en obediencia y confianza en nuestro Señor. Dios siempre tiene el control y debemos mirar y buscarlo sólo a Él ya que sólo Dios puede mover el corazón de las personas hacia donde Él desea. Cuando hacemos las cosas al modo de Dios, El alineará todo de tal manera para concedernos los deseos de nuestro corazón. Hay que soltar, dejar ir y aferrarnos al único que TODO lo puede hacer. Demos el primer lugar de nuestra vida a Dios y veremos grandes cosas ocurrir.
God takes our side our spouse for a reason and for certain that he has considered for our good time. We should not be stumbling block to God's plan for our lives. As healthy is to let go in obedience and trust in our Lord. God is always in control and we must look at and look to Him alone as only God can move the hearts of people to where He wants. When we do things God's way, El aligned in such a way to give us the desires of our heart. You have to let go, let go and hold onto the only one who can do everything. Demos first place in our lives to God and see great things happen.
Denise in South Africa
I now completely understand that God does not let us commit the sin of adultery but he allows it to happen so that we can become completely His. The" letting go" is very important because it is only then , that God begins the real work of turning the heart of our husbands back to us. Being in love with the Lord does make us radiant.
Shayla in Louisiana
I learned that things are never as they appear. I use to struggle with how happy my husband is and become envious of the other woman but God wanted me all along to trust and focus on Him since sin appears like fun for a season but is temporary and will focus on the good things that are everlasting which is everything that I am learning through God's word. Thank you Erin for the perfect timing and confirming this is a battle of the mind and I must focus more on renewing my mind daily.
The videos are a breath of fresh air. It confirms truths, questions, fears, and thoughts. It gave me encouragement through the word of God. This video has gotten me closer to God listening to the lessons over and over. I gain new strength each time I view the lessons and I am forever grateful for the encouragement.
Each day these lessons help encourage me from the circumstances. the videos are always right on time to guide, mold, and ground me within god's word.
Valerie in Illinois
Update: Valerie RESTORED in Illinois.
I can't think of any other feeling to describe how I feel after watching these videos besides "encouraged." Although there are thousands of promises written in the Word, sometimes it helps to have another person speak those promises to you--and that is what Erin does in each "Be Encouraged" video.
It seems that each piece of encouragement comes exactly at the time that I need it. When the pain is fierce and some days you don't feel like the new you anymore, you can wonder if you've stopped all progress. This video lets you know that there is a time for everything and that there are seasons. It describes so accurately the stages/seasons of restoration. If you're in the winter stage, do not fear! Winter only lasts for a season and there are wonderful seasons ahead! 🙂
Also, if you're struggling to do all of the "works" to restore your marriage, you need to watch this video. Erin talks about how it's not about the works that we do for God, it's a matter of the heart. And it's a matter of your relationship with the Lord. She calls it the "Golden Thread." You need to be on fire for God and this video will inspire you to do just that!
This video was tremendously helpful in learning about the stages of restoration. It's great to know in advance to see with the eyes of faith what God is doing and not look at it with worldly eyes. If you don't look at your situation with God's eyes, you will miss the little blessings and maybe even the big one!
Are you feeling discouraged because your husband or ex-husband seems to be extremely happy while you are suffering? You need to hear what Erin says about exposing that assumption.
Each and every one of these videos are not meant to be watched once. Try to watch the first time to be encouraged and the second time, take notes and take it as a lesson!
This video takes us through the phases of letting go and getting a hold of the Lord. This is my second time going through this course and probably the third or fourth time watching the video.
It amazes me at how much less focused I am on learning the phases of restoration and was much more interested in seeing how the phases show us we're getting closer and closer to the Lord!
Crystal in Okinawa
I feel like God spoke to me the entire video. I didn't want it to end. I was glued to every word as if this was meant just for me. I can not express the gratitude of your heart and desire to help us as we go through our trials and tribulations of restoring our marriages. I praise the lord for his word and teachings.