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Carolina in Canada
It is amazing. It is a book that have to be done more than once, to really appreciated.
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Katherine in Kentucky
Reading this book, you will experience more and more of His love for you and you will fall more in love with Him than you ever thought possible.
Dear Brides- Reading this will help you fall more in love with Him and experience His love more.
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Aliny in Brazil
When I read both books FAL & LAL you will discover true love, that love that wants nothing in return, that unconditional love. Today I feel so in love with my HH that I look up to the sky and I laugh only by contemplating how wonderful He is. I feel loved and fulfilled, I feel cared for and above all in peace. Every moment with Him is precious and sacred, it is incredible how when we are in silence and in communion, we can hear His voice and march with Him.
By reading the author books I became even more passionate about my HH, and less and less needy. Her relationship with our HH is a true love story, which we should all mirror. May God bless she and her family every day for showing us this path so pleasurable that the abundant life that God gives us.Â
Dear Brides, as you read this it made me feel touched because it's exactly the situation I am going through. Throughout the journey you will go through many adversities and trials, but as you increase your relationship with God, every burden becomes light. You can smile in the midst of the problem, you can praise the Lord for being there, and above all, and most importantly, we must give Him all our problems, alone we can not, we can not solve anything alone. He pain is appeased and his heart fills with love, and peace.Â
"Ao ler ambos livros da Michele EVA e VVA vocĂȘ descobrirĂĄ o verdadeiro amor, aquele amor que nĂŁo quer nada em troca, aquele amor incondicional. Hoje me sinto tĂŁo apaixonada pelo meu MC que olho para o cĂ©u e dou risada sozinha apenas contemplando Sua maravilhosa presença. Me sinto amada e preenchida, me sinto cuidada e acima de tudo em paz. Cada momento com Ele Ă© precioso e sagrado, Ă© incrĂvel como quando estamos em silĂȘncio e em comunhĂŁo, conseguimos ouvir Sua voz e marchar com Ele. Ao ler os livros da Michele me tornei ainda mais apaixonada pelo meu MC, e cada vez menos carente. A relação dela com nosso MC, Ă© uma verdadeira histĂłria de amor, que todas nĂłs deverĂamos nos espelhar. Que Deus abençoe a Michele e sua famĂlia todos os dias por nos mostrar esse caminho tĂŁo prazeroso que a vida abundante que Deus nos proporciona."
"Queridas Noivas, Ao ler este capĂtulo "" A onda da adversidade"", me fez sentir tocada pois Ă© exatamente a situação que eu estou passando. Ao longo da jornada vocĂȘs passarĂŁo por muitas adversidades e provaçÔes, mas na medida que vocĂȘs aumentam sua relação com Deus, todo fardo se torna leve. VocĂȘ consegue sorrir em meio ao problema, vocĂȘ consegue louvar ao Senhor por estar passando por isso, e acima de tudo e o mais importante, nĂłs devemos entregar para Ele todos nossos problemas, sozinhas nĂŁo conseguimos, nĂŁo somos capazes de resolver nada sozinhas.Com Ele a dor Ă© apaziguada e seu coração se preenche de amor, e paz. Mesmo no momento de suas tribulaçÔes, vocĂȘs conseguirĂŁo ajudar outras pessoas e consolĂĄ-las, isso nĂŁo Ă© maravilhoso? Somente Ele pode fazer isso por nĂłs. Somente Ele cura e resolve todos os nossos problemas, somente Ele nos acalma e nos mostra a hora de marchar. Lembrem-se nĂŁo hesitem ao ouvir o Seu chamado. Muitas vezes pode parecer loucura, mas sigam Seu chamado e a graça serĂĄ abundante. E vocĂȘs se sentirĂŁo completas e realizadas pois estĂŁo em paz. "
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Suieshie in Alabama
Our minds have been corroded with filth. We have been told so many lies. Who can know the mind of God but God himself. Let Him guide you into all truth as He has done for so many others.
Dear Brides, put your seatbelts on and get ready for the ride. We have been traveling down the wrong road for far too long, but today we will get off on the right exit and make the right turn, no longer to be detoured again. The GPS is programmed and ready to go, we are taking the best route that is going to get us to our destination at just the right time.
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Brooke in Montana
Living the Abundant Life is such a blessing. It has helped renew my mind of things I have learned yet so easily forgotten and opened my eyes to new truths. Helping me draw ever closer to my Beloved amazing Heavenly Love.
Dear Sweet Brides, God longs to bless you so much. Allow yourself to go beyond your fears and bless others, especially those who hurt and look to use you. I know it can seem scary but in it lies some of the greatest blessings just waiting to be poured out on you. Give of yourself and let them see His light shine in you.
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Paula in Brazil
This book is changing my life and making me want to be a new person, a new woman, a new bride of the Only One who deserves my heart and my whole life! Let it transforms you too!
Dear Brides, let's allow Our Dear Lord to teach us and make each one of us a beautiful bride, "a child of the King, whose name is Jesus, and she wore her crown of grace like a princess."
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Isidora in Dominican Republic
If you want to experience our Amado (HH) in His fullness this is a must book you must read. It will help you take Him out of the box where most of us have placed Him ....and let Him be God. Also this will teach you about religiousness and what the church has taught us for years on end is not quit the way God works. It truely teaches us " Your will be done. "Â
Dear Brides, if you apply each and every principle that is presented to you. I can assure you , you will experience our Amado (HH) as never before...He will truly be and become all that you want , all that you need and whom you will live for and love above all else. Our Amado will be your All.
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Diane in Canada
This book is not for novices and yet some will read it and go to a deeper level of prayer with the Lord. That is the whole point. Please read this book and ask Your Lord and Savior what He wants for your life.
Dear Brides, I encourage you to seek God and wait until you understand this. Ask God what it means in your life.
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Nellie RESTORED in Scotland
Our Heavenly Love has only the best intentions for us that He even allows adversity into our lives to refine us into His image for His greater purpose and our good. Adversity is His way of drawing us closer to Him in relationship as well as refining us into His image. It is something that we should embrace and we can only do this hand in hand with Him. He has a marvellous plan for us but we must trust Him, even when we are led into adversity it is for our good and His glory. Amen!
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Katherine RESTORED in Kentucky
Dear Brides, when fiery trials and tribulations come into our lives, we need to know that He has control and nothing can harm us. He is allowing things to happen to us or for us to go through tough times for His glory and for Him to bless us. So, no matter what we go through or what we face, we should praise Him! He is good and He wants the best for us. Always.