A Wise Woman: A Wise Woman Builds Her House By a FOOL Who First Built on Sinking Sand 1

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 A Wise Woman: A Wise Woman Builds Her House By a FOOL Who First Built on Sinking Sand

A Wise Woman: A Wise Woman Builds Her House By a FOOL Who First Built on Sinking Sand

#1 Best Seller

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“Therefore everyone who hears these Words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock.
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall,
for it had been founded upon the Rock.” Matthew 7:24-25.

Is your life built on the Rock or on Sinking Sand?

Since founding Restore Ministries International, an online ministry for women, Erin Thiele has touched the hearts of thousands of women around the world. Her love for the Lord, and her dedication to follow the uncompromised Word of God, is evident to all who have read her books, have met her, or have known her personally.

Where have you built your life? Jesus told us that only the lives built on Him, the Rock, will stand when the rains come, not if they come in the form of a sickness or death in your family, financial troubles, or your husband leaving you.

It is our hope that you, through reading this book, will choose to put away the ways of the world and come to know the Lord in a more intimate way by seeking and trusting Him alone in every aspect of your life. Where have you built your life?

Before rebuilding, you must have good blueprints. Your blueprints must be His Word, which you will find in this book-always read the Scriptures, never skip them. Next, you must find the Cornerstone that everything will be built on. Our Cornerstone is taking Jesus as your Lord, not just your Savior, then to go beyond joy as you become His beautiful bride. With a renewed mind, the Lord's blueprint, and Him by your side, you will then be able to rebuild your life instead of foolishly building it on sinking sand. Those of you who are sitting amidst rubble because your house has fallen (through infidelity or divorce) really have the advantage. You are motivated to begin to rebuild your life. This is where I was when I first began writing the book for women. It was painful for me, but it was worth every tear I ever cried!

A Wise Woman workbook—so much help and hope!”

Michelle in Wisconsin

“I found this book thoroughly amazing because I finally got to see the mistakes I was making. This book is a must for every woman after the Restore Your Marriage book. Praise God I am now restored AFTER our divorce!”

Hilary in South Africa

“I recommend this book to anyone who is married or who ever wants to be married. It helped me learn how to be a godly wife. So many of the principles can be applied to all of our relationships, not just our marriage. The biblical principles in it were new to me because I had been so diluted by the ways of the world.”

Stephanie in Kansas

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