By the Word of Their Testimony eBooks Series

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“And they overcame him [the wicked one] because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the WORD of their TESTIMONY, and they did not love their life even to death.” Revelation 12:11

Have you been searching for marriage help? It's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you are reading this book. God has heard your cry for help in your marriage dilemma. He predestined this DIVINE APPOINTMENT to give you the hope that you so desperately need right now!

If you have been told that your marriage is hopeless or that without your spouse's help, your marriage cannot be restored, then these testimony books are what you need. Read these over and over so you will begin to believe that God is MORE than able to restore ANY marriage, including YOURS! Filled with testimonies of those who once had "seemingly" hopeless marriages that are now restored! Read just a few of the many testimonies from countless women and men who once had a hopeless relationship that God RESTORED to build your faith.

We know and understand what you are going through since WE, and MANY others who have come to our ministry for help, have a restored marriage and family! No matter what others have told you, your marriage is NOT hopeless!! We KNOW, after more than 34 years of ministry, that God is able to restore ANY marriage, even YOURS!

This collection has the entire series of chicken soup of restored marriage testimonies— a collection of heartfelt encouragement from people like you who found themselves in an impossible situation that only God could fix.

In Book 11, you’ll read and understand the grace of God exhibited restoring Kristen’s marriage even after she says, “the day after my son turned two. And because I was very proud, when he asked me to leave—I left in a huff— with my son on my hip I slammed the door shouting profanity loud enough for our neighbors to hear!”

Also, you will be able to relate to Olivia’s “Restored in the Middle of the Worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic!” Finally, Kiara shares in her testimony, “I got completely involved with this OM (Other Man) at my own wedding. Immediately, I started to despise, to humiliate my husband. I did everything to embarrass him. What a fool…” 

What makes these By the Word of Their Testimony books so beneficial is that these women (and men) give the reader encouragement and secrets to what led to their restored marriages.

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of THEIR testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”​ —Revelation 12:11​

The 36 TESTIMONIES in this POWERFUL book are filled with miracles of women who took God at His Word and believed that “nothing is impossible with God!” Those who have had the miracle of a restored marriage have several things in common. All “delighted themselves in the Lord” and He gave them “the desires of their heart.” All of them “hoped against hope” when their situation seemed hopeless.​

All of them “fought the good fight” and “finished their course.” All refused to fight in “the flesh” but chose to battle “in the spirit.” All of their trust was “in the Lord” because their trust “was the Lord.” All loved their spouse (who may have been unfaithful) because they knew that “love never fails.”​

Restore Ministries was founded and exists to help all those who have been told that their situations are HOPELESS. Here is the PROOF that God is able to restore any marriage—yes, even YOURS!​

Be sure you read and reread each of the 36 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!

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